• Ever wonder who I am, what I do, why the hell this site is called something that is slang for vagina? Yeah, here's where to click if so.

  • Because of the crappy writing job for the paper, I developped this need to vent my frustrations in text. Here's my journal, aka bitching forum.

  • I have my opinions about what's cool and what's not. Are you cool? Probably not, but you never know.

  • I used to write for the school paper. It was a fun job, really. 4000 words a week, ye haw. Anyway, here's the crap I came up with.

  • To take you ... ummm, to the homepage.

Quite simply, this section is just a section full of poetry. Not happy poetry. Not romantic poetry. Nor is it funny poetry either. It's more dark. Depressing. Disturbed. But I'm not depressed. I'm not disturbed. Nor am I twisted or fucked up. I'm just surrounded and artistically inspired by those who surround me, namely the twisted and fucked up. Not all are such, but a few. It gives the rest of us something to aspire to. The page is simple, so is life. Mentality is complex; the world outside our mind is rather simple. What you see is what you get, but what you think might not be what you expect it to be. Life is not the game, the human psyche is.

To view a poem, just click on it from the list of selections below .. or to the right

Author's note: All work on this page belong to me. Unless you have my consent don't think of touching them or transferring them elsewhere. If you need to see the little copyright symbol to dissuade you from doing so, then here: © to urtica. Any requests may be directed to me here. Any comments can be sent, but doubtfully replied to, and possibly ignored.

07/04/03 - Gads, remember those poems i promised months ago? Well here they be. Ok, Educated is a poem i wrote in school. Wuz a project on the war for english class. Got the only perfect mark, so :P . Rien is an old poem i wrote long ago that made my mother cry. :: sighs :: . And then there's Harmless, which i wrote about a friend of mine that i cared about, but never told. Enjoy, or enjoy disliking. Your choice

16/12/02 - have new poem, just haven't gotten around to putting it up here yet. Will try and do that tonight/tomorrow/asap.

02/07/02 - 5 months later, but better late than never. I added a new poem called 'Something'. It's less depressing than most of my stuff. I'm still trying to find some of my old stuff. Geocities closed my old site so i lost one of my better poems. Grrrr. Ah well. I have a few bitter angry ones on the go, maybe i'll finish em eventually to post. Maybe, hehe.

04/02/02 - I'm way too productive lately .. wtf is up with me? Anyway, poetry stuff will be fixed up now, so you can read my crap if you want to =) Other than that, can't say i've accomplished really that much in the large spectrum of things. Read it much. Read it often. Enjoy reading it.

© urtica ~ 2001 - Tea Frogs Inc.