Race Stories, Results & Pictures


Jan 14th, 2005:  North Georgia Adventure Race (NGAR)  Official Finisher ... and again there weren't many!

June 5th, 2004:  Southern Lights 24 hour off-road bike race.  First place female team.  We had to work harder than last year.

May 1, 2004:  Talon 12 hour adventure race   First place female team (Mindy, Nancy and Carey)
Jan 31, 2004:  Swamp Stomp 24 hour adventure race   First place female team (Mindy, Nancy, Lynne and Carey)

Jan 17th, 2004:  North Georgia Adventure Race (NGAR)  Official Finisher ... and there weren't many!

"Despite cold and rainy weather, we manage to finish an alternate course in just under 30 hours.  It was fun, wet, hard, long and SATISFYING.  The picture below shows us pooring over the maps for the upcoming bike section ... we should've triple checked CP10!" - Carey

Nov 15, 2003 - Paige Parties On Her Last Run  "In what will almost certainly be her final run before her "cure", Paige parties at the Run For The Cure 5k in Ybor City Saturday night.  Paige will undergo surgery Monday (11/17) to have her ankle fused.  We wish her well and hope for a rapid return to an active, pain-free life."  - Carey

Sep 22, 2003 - Wild Onion Chicago 

“Sorry to have to report that Crew Zen failed to complete the 2003 Wild Onion in Chicago; although it did NOT make us cry! I think only about 12 teams out of 40 completed the entire course.  We were just not fast enough to make the cutoff times.  After 20 hours of racing, we bagged it.  No regrets from me.  Parts of it were fun (skating 12 miles along the lake, coasteering over the boulders for 5 miles, climbing the Sears tower), parts of it were beautiful (canoeing right through downtown at night), parts of it were not so fun (running practically the entire 12 mile "trek", only to find out we still weren't fast enough to make the estimated time), and parts of it were miserable (paddling through super smelly, nasty water while trying to stay awake, knowing we already missed the cutoff).  Oh well, this is a race I surrender to." - Carey "I don't think Carey whined enough, so I'm going to add to her story a little bit. We had to carry our PFDs and shoes on the skate so that we could wear them for the coasteering.  Of course then we had to wear our packs over our PFDs and carry our skates while coasteering, and then again on the stairs in the Sears tower.  It was a heavy load and hot and we lost a lot time there.  After that we lost some more time during the urban trek, which turned out to be a half marathon.  It was through the south side of Chicago, so you know we were running as fast as we could.  We lost more time when we stopped at McDonalds for breakfast after the cold, smelly, sleep canoe leg. I think we were close to the estimated times on the 1st skate, the canoe, and the bike, but lost time on everything else.  The heavy loads really hurt us and we were not fast enough to meet the cut off times.  I'm not sure we would have been fast enough without the heavy packs.  We have figured out that we are not cut out for urban racing.  It is really too bad because it is a lot of fun." - Nancy

June 7-8th, 2003: Southern Lights 24hr mtn bike race in Watkinsville, GA  results   pictures

Crew Zen (Carey, Mindy, Nancy, Lisa Platt) beats Singletrack Sisters (Jane, Mary, Cathy, Pat, Bern) to take 1st place!

May 10th, 2003: The Talon 12 hour adventure race  results   pictures   more pictures

Mindy & Carey:  1st place Female, 10th overall 

Nancy & Paige(!):  Paige raced strong for over 5 hours; Nancy then hooked up with the remaining half of team CT and finished STRONG as always!

May 3rd, 2003: Urban Challenge Tampa   results

Nancy & Carey:  9th place overall

Feb 15th, 2003: AC Undercover 24hr adventure race  results  

Nancy & Carey:  1st place female, 12th overall  Time:  27hrs 25min

Mindy & Kier (as Shackleton):  16th overall   Time:  28hrs 58min

January 18th, 2003: North Georgia Adventure Race  checkpoint times  story    pictures      news article



October 2002, We conquered "Howl At The Moon"  Story    Results 

September 2002, "Wild Onion Chicago": It almost made us cry!   Story and Pictures   Results

August 17, 2002, Wild 100 West Virginia mountain bike race   Pictures Results 

June 2002,Crew Zen finishes "Beast of the East"!  Story   Results

Lisa's journal of our race    Lisa's thoughts

Odyssey's race journal and team photos

"We impressed ourselves at the race.  ... it is still overwhelming and still quite fragmented in my mind.  We had some good luck and some not so good luck, but it is all part of adventure racing.  " - Nancy

February 17, 2002, Southern Exposure 12 hour adventure race  Story   Results

    • 3rd place co-ed (Mindy, Paige, Chris Jackson); 13th place overall; 11 hours 43 minutes
    • 4th place co-ed (Carey, Nancy, John Porter); 14th place overall; 11 hours 44 minutes


December 2001, Hops Marathon  Results and Pictures  Story

October 2001, Howl At the Moon adventure race  60 teams total    Story   Results

    • 1st place female (Carey, Nancy, Paige); 19th place overall
    • 4th place 2-person co-ed (Mindy, Chris Jackson); 18th place overall

Official finisher July, 2001 Odyssey 1-day adventure race.  First 4-person female team ever to complete this race!

  Story  Pictures  Results  Detailed Results

July, 2001, First place at Southern Exposure 12 hour adventure race Story

July 4-8, 2001:   Training and fun in N Georgia.  Pictures

June 26, 2001 :  Bahamas bust.  Story     Pictures

1st place May, 2001 Florida Coast-to-Coast Eco race Story  Pictures

2nd place April, 2001 X-treme gear adventure race, Ft Lauderdale  

Team Sweet Spot takes first with a "creative" course interpretation!


2nd place November, 2000  USARA National Sprint Championship

June, 2000 Hi-Tec adventure race, Miami5th place Women (Nancy, Mindy, Paige) and 6th place Masters (Carey, Bob Murray, Dan Reyes)

1st place May, 2000 Florida Coast-to-Coast Eco race

3rd place March, 2000 X-treme gear adventure race, Orlando


2nd place June, 1999 Hi-Tec adventure race, Miami

6th place June, 1998 Hi-Tec adventure race, Miami