A good sign from team forza when eighteen players turn up for this friendly match even though it was on the fasting month of Ramadan. The team we supposed to play against did not turn up due to work commitments but they were replaced by a youger team in Yishun Boyz. Even the sicked Siva turn up to give moral support. Before the ball was kicked, it was quite demoralising to see the condition of the pitch as it was 70% ly grassless ( as u can see in the picture ). Only the wingers and fullback have the luxury to play on grass.

the game started with team Forza passing the ball around just to adjust to the playing condition.' Never had an experience before to this kind of pitch ' thats what most of the players complaining.The impressive Julius made his mark with a stunning goal when he pass three defenders to mark his debut goal. Een added the second goal with a header coming from Azmi who played brilliantly.Azman put his name on the scoresheet before the opponents reply with two goals.Siddiq did enough damaged by scoring his first of three before half time.

Second half was a one way street when Forza scored six goals courtesy of Vincent, Firdaus with two, Azman added his second goal and Siddiq with his maiden hat-trick .Dissapointed Firdaus could have his hat-trick too if not for the woodwork. ' I'll try again next time ' he vowed knowing his quite happy with his overall performance. final score 10-2 to team Forza.
