Gonomena Farm within the remains of the mine.


A quick history of

Gonamena Mine

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1662 to 1886 
Early success with tin, but a disappointment with copper.
A mediocre mine surrounded by success!
Early history  

Tin Streaming 

    First recorded mineral working in the area. 
    Tin streaming was carried out and a stamping works mill may have existed.
Massive remains 
The large scale of the early tin workings indicate that this was an extremely successful working. 
But, the date of work starting in the area is lost in history. 
The main excavation is over 15 metres deep in places and over 100 meters wide. 
It extends up the slopes of Caradon Hill to near the television mast roadway. 


Underground mining   
    Underground working started for copper.  

    The workforce peaks at 94.
    An adit is started under the streamwork to extend into northern part of set. 

    1864 A new 50" engine is installed. 

    Work was abandoned at the mine.

    Re-trial as "West Gonamena Mining Company" 
    This trial failed.

A disappointment 
The mines Southern boundary adjoins the mines of South and West Caradon. Both highly successful ventures. South Caradon at one point was one of the biggest copper mines in the world. 
Gonamena must have appeared to have excellent prospects. But such is the fickle nature of mineral mining. Its profits, output and workforce only remained a mere fraction of its rich neighbours.