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About Xeinge Corporation:
Xeinge started in August of 2004 with a gaming console, a PC and one software.As time progress Xeinge grew and became a great team of together, to form our team. We have decided to call ourselves Xaio Blue. Our first plan is to make a site that will have gaming for visitors/members. We will be creating a member sign in/sign out log. To be a member you will have to register. Registering will be very easy, and free. There will be no money involved in becoming a member. It will just give you a username for the site. When we are ready for this, we will be creating it. Now about Xeinge, we want to make some extroidinary game play, on and offline. We want to have games that will be fun for most people. We are just getting started on creating the company of Xaio Blue, which is only a peice of the Corporation. so we will need some support to keep us going! Cheer us on!!! You can send us emails saying to keep at it! We will be at some tough somes for sure. So help us, and Welcome to the Xeinge Community

-We have a President, a vice president, etc... all the way down to just members.
-If you are a game maker, or know some stuff on making webpages, or anything to advertise, and want to become part of Team Xeinge, email the President. You can find his email on the contact page.
-We all hope that you have fun, and enjoy the creations from Xeinge
-Also if you have any questions, you can email the vice president or President of Team Xaio Corp., but be sure to label the subject as "Team Xaio Questions" so that we dont think it is junk mail and delete it. We will respond as soon as possible. (Again, you can find the email addresses on the contact page)
-Dont forget, we DO still need help with some things on Team Xaio Corp., so join if you'd like, even if you dont know how to make games, we could use some help in the web making process too!

Xeinge Corporation. (c) 2004