"An Ocean Lullaby"
(Collaboration between TeAnne & Elle ~Poetess~) 1998©

Softly the ocean hums its lonely tune
while from lands of dreams he comes
She waits!
He walks the night with pounding heart
the moon lighting each step
Will he reach her in time
He listens a moment only
The ocean, distant
quietly singing "Hurry, hurry"
Sitting still, she listens!
The ocean collapsing on the sand
its melody,
reminiscent of old melodies
of the once forgotten lands
lightly the breeze caresses her hair and face
a single tear glistening on her cheek
The waters lap at her hem-line
The hour is late.
Two lovers coming together
a forbidden love to share
It seems an eternity
since her exile she escaped
Five long years of empty arms
forbidden lovers driven far
For when they unite
Again two worlds will be as one..........
Elle ~Poetess~ & TeAnne  © Feb 20.1998
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