I can't remember why
I fell in love with you.
I remember the bad like
a recurring nightmare.
Your hair was much longer
than mine and your vanity
needed the mirror space.
You plucked your nose
hairs in the rear view
mirror as you drove.
You left the toilet
seat UP.......
You yelled at me and
said words that rhyme
with "FireTruck" but oh!!
you said you were a 'Christian'.
and I was not perfect
for "Mr Perfect"
TeAnne © Oct. 16.1998 
YOU ~ ME ~ ME ~ YOU.
You took me from me
You mistook me for you
I want me back as me
I’ll not live me thru’ you
You are not a clone of me
Nor I a clone of you
Just let me live me
And you live you, yourself!
TeAnne © Oct 14. 1998