DEC 3. 1912 - JULY 12. 1997
Dad 1945
This page was built 15 July in memory of my Father
(Thanks to Jeff for re-sizing and framing the photos on this page and Mum's page)
SLEEPLESS © July 23.1997
My beautiful Angels
once two beautiful people,
in your own way
Oh, how I miss you
and wish you had stayed
Now you’re up there,
not here, to guide,
or disburden my fears
If only in vision, my bedside
you’d visit
and reassure,
You’re both okay
I see you in my sleep
but thats not the same
I waken to find
It’s only deception, my memory
from whence you came.
TeAnne .©..July 23. 1997

IN MY FATHER’S MEMORY ©July 15. 1997
My memories of you Dad
of all you said and did
Some are good, some are bad
Plenty are happy but some are sad
I didn't get to say goodbye
Your hand I couldn’t hold
But our good-byes were said,
just five short months ago.
I sat upon your knee
We held each other tight
You shared your pain and grief
with me
and for Mum our tears we cried.
It was then I could see,
I saw it in your eyes.
With her is where you longed to be
So now, alone I cry.
I wasn't by your side
and oh how quickly,
you've abandoned me
I can love you more, now Dad
Then I did, before you died
So rest In Peace and be assured
That in my heart I know
You and Mum are together
both resting now
angelically undisturbed.
TeAnne © July 15. 1997

MY NIGHTMARE © July 14. 1997
Daddy is a wild beast ranting
One eye, looking, roving, staring
Daddies dying
The cloven hoofed one’s waiting.
Turning into Mummy
Peter, he’s calling for Peter
Who is Peter?
I am Terri, I’m over here Dad
Daddy calling to ‘Jesus’
But he’s an atheist
Skin yellow, everywhere blood
I see no wounds
I steal Mummies breath
Daddy steals mine
Gasping, I awaken
I can’t breath
cold, so cold
I don’t understand
Has Daddy taken his last?
TeAnne © July 14. 1997

I had this nightmare on the 20th May 1997. It scared the hell out of me. I just had to write it down.

"Dad’s Sorrow" 12 April 1997
All alone you sit
in wonder
what of your life now
Your love, Your wife
has gone
to a higher place, beyond and vast
Listless you sit
and remember
Life as it was with her
all those years past.
Your tears of grief lay dormant
in a heart of heavy regrets.
Daddy, I would take it all away
but I carry inside, all you feel
The sadness of my own
And already,
I share your sorrow.
TeAnne 12 April 1997
Mum & Dad The year I was born 1952.

Love Letters In The Sand