* WINNER * OF THE 2nd CUP CAFE Jan 1998 Poetry Contest
In this poem, my intention is not to offend Australian or American Vets
but to make the world aware that you all still exist. My views of how it was may not be correct but they do come from my heart. Terri A Hateley AKA TeAnne.©

Salute to Vietnam Vets

Australians, Americans, All creeds, All colours
Men, at nineteen, boys with brave hearts
of a life not yet lived
Side by side from different shores
blood, sweat and feelings shared
Came together to fight for freedom
in an unforgiving, God forsaken war.
While at home,
ungrateful bystanders jeered.
Soldiers who witnessed,
 death, destruction, defeat
the suffering of an innocent child,
 an ally or mate
the defoliation of a field, or jungle,
 in the blink of an eye.
Returning as men with nightmares for memories
forever indelible
Older in mind, ruined in body
scarred beyond their years with untold horrors
Agent Orange devouring  their Daughters and Sons
 Still the innocent suffer.
Men who died, remembered only as a number
or by family.
Not by you, not by me
To give to these men, the time has come,
 the love and respect they earned
 as due compensation.
Not in parades nor celebration
but from your hearts and actions
They could be your sons,
fathers, husbands or lover
for them, the sentence is not over
and your unawareness, a retraction.
TeAnne © Jan 6.1998

 All rights reserved. TeAnne
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