You were once my protector
And mediator of my sanity
Last night you fell into my dream
And I awoke in sweaty wonder.
For this night you must have heard me
You heard my saddened wails
This was not supposed to happen
To have a dream of you is immoral!
You were once my loving husband
We share a Son and that is all
So why were you in my arms
And me in yours, holding strong?
We danced and frolicked in the rain
Then, inside we strolled so happily
We made love, yet again. As we used too.
Before our lives together fell apart.
I don’t know why you came back
It has been over for nine years
Is your spirit soaring across the plane
To ease these, my painful years?
Were you my true soul mate after all?
TeAnne © 18 Feb. 1999 


Droplets at the water’s edge,
prior locale of hanky waving
her spouse’s welcome.
Sunday afternoon, tea sips
with ‘Helen Steiner Rice’, mouthed
under full umbrella shadow.

On bended knee at the water’s edge,
tomorrows’ memorabilia flashing
loneliness to come.
Un-kissed pouting red lips
mourning formless ashes, housed
in the Urn sprinkled by his widow.

TeAnne Feb 29.2000

* Helen Steiner Rice – Greeting card poetic verse writer.