Tropical Rain Forest
Tropical Desert

( + soil )

~ Oxisols
-- source and storage of nutrients
-- rich in iron oxides
-- slightly acidic
-- low feritlity
-- fine texture
-- Hardpans may be present
~ Intense chemical weathering
~ Thick soil profile
~ Strong leaching
~ mineral resources
e.g. bauxite ¾TÄs¤g, iron oreÅKÄq,
tin ore ¿üÄq, etc.

~ Aridisols
-- alkaline
-- low feritlity
-- high salinity
-- immature
-- little humus and low in organic content
-- corase texture
~ Little chemical weathering BUT physical weathering domainate
~ Thin soil profile
~ Strong capillary action

--> Low overall carrying capacity of land

~ Uncommon arid landforms attracts tourists e.g. Ayers Rock in Central Australia.

i.e The soil in TRF oxisols while in TD is aridisols.
Both are not fertile soil.
BUT oxisols is slightly acidic while aridisols is alkaline.
And the types of weathering are different in these two places too.