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One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

14,15 & 21, 22 March 1998

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Director's Note



Backstage Crew

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Director's Note


Heya! Heya! The circus is in town! Come on in Ladeez n' gennulmen! The show is about to begin!

A very appropriate battle cry for "One flew over ..."

When I started working on the staging of this play the first thing I established was the three acting areas, possibly to match the three dimensions I decided to give to the performance.

The fist two dimensions are pretty obvious within the script, the social and the political ... the establishment delving into the souls of the citizens, conditioning them ... Nurse Ratched.

The third one, I would like to believe, is more a personal interpretation of the theatrical dimension. This I see as a somewhat European touch to an American play. To me two of the main characters are the incarnation of the double mask of theatre ... the comedy, in the person of McMurphy and the tragedy as narrated by Dale Harding. Throughout the play, they reluctantly exchange roles, assuming the tragi-comic role par excellence of the clown or even maybe Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig. 

These two characters I engineered to create a tangible link with the audience, just like some Arlecchino or Pantaleone. They open up the converstaion to include the audience, thus destroying sometimes the illusion created ... or are we all part of that illusion? They are intermittently trying to rope in the spectators making them conscious that this is also their story ... a tragic joke. Those outside must find themselves under lock and key in a cluastrophobic prison. To use a cliche, we are all locked up in an asylum called society, restrained into the straitjacket of convention.





Chief Bromden Joe Cortis
Aide Warren Victor Debono
Aide Williams Colin Azzopardi
Nurse Ratched Anna Cachia
Nurse Flinn Jackie Bartolo
Dale Harding Charles Sammut
Billy Bibbit Darrin Zammit Lupi
Scanlon Salvu Mallia
Charles Cheswick Joe Pace
Ruckly Mark Vella
Martini Aldo Briffa
Randle P McMurphy Anthony Ellul
Dr. Spivey Chris Gruppetta
Aide Turkle Lino Mallia
Candy Starr Jo Christine Scicluna
Sandra Josephine Fuller


Backstage Crew


Stage Manager Ray Ebejer
Asst. Stage Manager Nadia Attard Cassar
Set Construction

Lino Mallia, Colin Azzopardi

Poster Salvu Mallia, Anthony Ellul
Set Design Salvu Mallia
Publicity Ivan Fenech
Photography Darrin Zammit Lupi
Book Roberta Cauchi
Lights and Sound Steve Theuma
Front of House John Ellul, Claudia Ellul
Make-Up Anton and Jackie Farrugia
Special Thanks To: Moira Borg Cardona, Koperattiva Kulturali Universita', Joe Saliba (Precincts Office), Sapienza's Bookshop, The Perfection, Mario Ellul, Polidano Bros., Victor Sammut, David Cortis, Catherine Fenech, Lowenbrau Malta Ltd.


Photos Archive



The Action


© Photos in this section Darrin Zammit Lupi

Most of the Gang
McMurphy introduces himself to the Acutes
McMurphy introduces himself to Chief Bromden
McMurphy and Nurse Flynn
McMurphy and the Acutes in the Garden


Characters (less some)

© Photos in this section Joe Smith

Mr. Ruckly
Nurse Flynn
Billy Bibbit and Mr. Harding
Mr. Martini and Mr. Cheswick
Chief Bromden and Mr. McMurphy
Mr. Warren
Dr. Spivvy
Mr. Scanlon
Nurse Ratched
Candy Starr



© Photos in this section Joe Smith

Giving the Injun a shave
The combine is big!
So, who controls who
Bill and Mr. McMurphy
The first time I saw girls take their clothes off
We aren't big and strong.
The nurses
Mr. McMurphy and Mr. Martini
Bill and Mr. Harding
Mr. McMurphy and the group
Bill and Nurse Ratched