Baby Birdie

      I finally got my baby green cheek conure. I don't know the sex yet, but I'm hoping it's a girl, I'd like to name her Cecilia. She was hatched around March 25, and stayed with the parents unil April 15. The breeder intended to hand feed, but I wanted to do it on my own. I took her home the 18th, and have been hand feeding her for 5 days now.
      She started out as just a little chicken with no feathers. She's already got green all over, and big curious eyes, and the cutest little beak. She's got me resorting to baby talk! And she knows I'm her momma. She just figured out she can make noise, and has been chirpy whenever I'm within eyesight. She likes to wobble around inspecting the area, and even makes feeble attempts at perching. She sits spread eagle for balace, legs apart and wings open.
      The older cats, Tiger and Prince, seem disinterested. But Patrick, he shows up at every feeding to lick the spoon. My trouble with him will be to keep him from eating the bird food, not the bird! Lucky only noticed him recently, since he's still a scaredy cat.

      I'm still considering the baby cockatiel at work, he's my bud. He's totally relaxed with me, and seems very mild tempered, though talkative. I hate to leave him at that store. But I'm still trying to see if he's sick or just nervous, and trying to find opinions on housing the conure and cockatiel together.

My new baby

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Baby girl is a little sassy

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