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Lab Assignments page 4

9. Observing Children Learn

PURPOSE This activity illustrates the importance of the social context in which much of learning takes place. 

Obtain a toy, puzzle, or new or unusual item suitable for toddlers to play with. Observe at least two toddlers and their caregivers as the caregivers teach the children how to use the new object or toy. Using the following instructions, make note of the ways and the extent to which the caregivers serve as models for learning. Prepare a written summary. What similarities and differences are noted in how caregivers interact with children?

Observing Children Learn

Instructions: (1)  In this project, you need to find at least two toddlers (1-2 years old) and their caregivers. Give descriptive data.  You will be observing how each caregiver interacts with his or her charge. (2)  Ask the caregiver to play with the child as the caregiver gives the child an unusual item, puzzle, or toy. (3)  Describe the ways and the extent to which the caregivers serve as models. For example, to what extent do they do the following:   (Three elements)

1. Attract the child's attention to the activity through verbal and nonverbal means—and how directive are the means they use?
2. Demonstrate the activity or use?
3. Simplify the tasks or break them down into easier steps?
4. Appear prepared to intervene if the child seems to need help?
5. Appear to withdraw the help as the child grows more competent?
6. Overrule, correct, or alter the child's activities?
7. Act as playmate rather than teacher?
8. Demonstrate enthusiasm, praise, or other kinds of support for child's efforts?
Plan to spend at least fifteen minutes observing the subjects. If the child is unresponsive, try changing toys. Prepare to discuss your findings with the class or in a written summary for your instructor. Make sure you provide information about the child (e.g., age, gender, disposition at time of testing) and other relevant information.

10. Designing a Child Care Center

PURPOSE   The objective of this activity is to apply ideas and concepts of development in designing components of a child care center.

Design a child care center. Determine what areas or aspects of the center should be designed, including daily schedules, staff training and development, job description of a child care worker, safety rules, curriculum, selection of toys, discipline policy, physical layout and facilities (e.g., tables, chairs, playground equipment), procedures for emergencies, and so forth. 

(1)  Submit the design. (Mail design to instructor or submit it as an attachment)
.  (2)  Justify the design in the context of what has been learned in the course thus far.   (Two elements)

11. Crying in Infants

PURPOSE   The objective of this exercise is to recognize and understand the different types of infant crying and the function of each type.

ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT: Using the informatiion in the instructions, interview at least two parents who are primary caregivers for their own infants. Compare the responses of one parent with the responses of the other. If the parents differed from each other in their responses, comment briefly on why they differed. Consider especially to what degree the types of crying are "within" the baby and to what degree they are in the ear of the parent who listens.

Crying in Infants

Interview at least two parents who are primary caregivers for their own infants (usually, this means mothers rather than fathers). Make sure you include some demographic data (e.g., age and gender of infant, amount of previous parental experience). Ask the parents the following questions, and invite them to answer in as much detail as possible:

1. What kind of temperament does your baby have?
2. Why does your baby cry?
3. What different kinds of crying does he or she do?
4. In what situations does your baby cry the most?
5. What is your "gut" response to each type of crying? (Please explain.)
6. Do you think you can "read" each cry?
7. What is your actual, outward response to each type of crying?
8. What techniques do you use to soothe the baby?

Discuss the results. (1)  Give descriptive data.  (2)  What differences are noted between new parents and experienced parents?   (3)  What differences are noted between children and  Infant temperament?  (Three elements)