The Reviews

Now that your're on the reviews page, lets get some things cleared up. In the review, the following info will be provided: name, brewer, alc %, date, rating, and comments. The rating system will be from 1 to 5, 1 being worst and 5 being best. The rating reflects the taste, smoothness, and sometimes the smell. If anything else stands out, it might affect the rating.
Review example:
Reviewed By:
Name:      Brewer:
Date:        Alc %:
Rating:      Comment:

Rating system broken down:
1 - Hurt the person who gave you this beer.
2 - I hope you didnt buy this.
3 - It'll work but anything else in the house?
4 - Some good stuff, try to remember the name the next morning.
5 - The beer you dont share with anyone.

The reviews are sorted by the first letter of the beer's name.
= A-D =       = E-H =       = I-L =       = M-P =       = Q-T =       = U-Z =      

Reviewer's Totals:
tech673 reviews: 35
punkass reviews: 22
guest's reviews: 00
Site Total: 57

Please dont copy any of the reviews to your website or anyone elses. If you wanna link, thats fine but please let me know if you will be doing that. Also, some reviews might have pictures, they will be tagged so dont even think of stealing them. Dont link the pictures on forums unless you give this site credit.
