In 2024, the United States, Canada and Mexico complete their 10 year plan to remove all boarders between their three countries forming the North American Union, as part of a campaign to put to rest the fears of Global Terror that run rampant years before.

The NAU soon becomes the most dominate force on the planet, and in order to insure peace and security for all Man Kind not just its citizens its troops set out across the globe removing all boundaries between peoples.  The NAU deems all organizations which exclude based on race, religion and sexuality be made null and void it’s first target in 2026 is the Vatican, soon many others follow suit some shut down peacefully others result in many deaths.

The year 2036 the Earth Planetary Alliance crushes the last remaining strongholds of rebels still clinging to the old ideas of segregation and separation, and appoints its first solid governmental body outside of full military control.

By 2054 for EPA has seen it’s last battles with resistance, and it’s foundation is solid it is now the only power on the planet the first world government in human history it’s grand chambers based in the heart of Africa the birth place of human kind.  Its campaign to crush many of humanities greatest down falls takes center stage and in 2057 the Department of Human Health cures cancer, a few short months later the HIV virus is a thing of the past. 

It’s battles over and strong support due to it’s many positive features start to win over those who in the past found this to be a bad idea, the peoples of the free media shut down their illegal stations and are given pardon by the governments they once tried to bring down, the age of peace and understand replaces blood shed and fear. 

2055 Relay station 41 “Hope” Sends back images and information from an Alien Source, after hundreds of years of observation the Galactic High Council declares Human Kind of the planet Earth an “Advanced Civilization” lifting the contact black out put in place when man kind sent it’s first signals into space.

In the year 2056 the Steller Corporation and its six thousand employees and families take the leap into the stars invited to set up the first intergalactic trade route between Earth and its distance Neighbors

Physical appearance: Much of the physical differences found on earth today will be found in mankind for many years to come and nothing has drastically changed over the years, the normal height for a male is still 5’9 and so forth however combine what elements you feel would describe the character the best.

The Planet Earth: With a rough 70, 30% water to earth ratio the planet earth is a smaller planet however has many of the same traits that can be found on any of the other planets, most like Orisis the Earth has a large verity of different plant and animal life however the radiation has limited just how much the earth can produce which is the case for the change in humankind to find a way to heal their planet.

Character information: Humans are Medium creatures. And have 3 extra points to burn into any Ability physical, social or mental.