The Loobra are a race that captivate both users of the Arcane and scientists a like their abilities to heal and their steadfast resolve to up holding the balance of the universe makes the Loobra a key player in many delegations through out the galaxy. 
The Loobra take great care to uphold balance in every aspect of their lives, between the arcane and technology even love and hate are balanced the loobra do not see one more important than the other because with out one the other could not exist thus the reason for their strict codes and views on letting something over power another.  While the Loobra are a modern race in their technologies and their education of many technologies and worlds the Loobra make sure to not forget their past.
They treat every race much the same with a careful and wary eye as well as love and compassion.  The Lazari are closest to the Loobra and in their balance they have found for the most part the Axis to be the opposite in the relationship they carry on.  While they do not hate the Axis the Loobra try to avoid their planet and their outposts.  However just the opposite happens in their balance and the Lazari they welcome with open arms often times taking in wanted members of the race and refusing to give them to the galactic courts or the respected court of the planet where the crime or crimes happen.
The magic of healing confuses many races, no Orin or Visulan has ever been able to tape into the power to heal through the elemental arcane the Loobra are the only race who are known to be able to heal through sheer will and they claim it comes as a reward for the balance on their planet and in their actions.
Even with the balance of their people free will is also part of the balance and some Loobra break away from upholding balance in order to strike out into the stars, stories are told of dark cults of loobra who are not granted the abilities to heal but to harm and while they Loobra say nothing of this they will say the balance has a place ever where.
Their government is loose at best while the elders meet once a year to discuss the issues on the planet for the most part each elder runs his tribe as he sees fit. 

Physical Appearance: The loobra are small of stature the males normally only 3’5 feet and the females 3 feet tall both ranging around 70 to 80lbs covered in fur that can range from black to white sticking to tones like brown and gray.

The Planet Azual: If homeostasis could be reached outside the Lazari the planet of Azual comes the closest their cities are built around the forests and plains rather than on top of them.  All are welcome to Azual yet the Axis visiting Azual are watched with caution.  Trade ranges from technologies to gems and other planets and even some wild life.

Character information: The Loobra are a small race. They are granted +2 dice to split between Mental and Social. Can heal 3 points of damage (this damage can be any type) 3 times a day. (or up to a total of 9 points at once)