The Suramorn are a people torn between to worlds, the world of the arcane and the world of technology.  More than any other race in the galaxy the Suramorn fought to find which was the most powerful only to end in a stale mate broken and dying.  Wars that raged across their world for eons ended when the Suramorn bore what many peoples of many races call the “balance” others even go as far as to call them gods, a people both marred and respected for the creation of the Raven and Necronox.
Before the “balance” the Suramorn were a lot like human beings are on earth, they fought none stops between each other to prove points which in the end could not be proven anyways, they seemed to fight for the sake of it.  As the Suramorn grew so did the wars on their planet the “Dark Zenith” as it is known in Suramorn history today was the last great war, the war between the magi of the elemental arcane and the science of the modern world, this war killed billions and left their governments and economy in ruin.  From a booming people to a savage and barbaric race the Suramorn have come a long way to the present.
Though they can never undo what was done they have made steps to unite as one people for it is in war that the most deadly of the two were found as well as the most advanced Apex casters as well as brilliant scientists working on projects which propelled the Suramorn all races in the field of technology.  It is said that in some places on the planet great magical springs can be found places where huge amounts of arcane energy were absorbed and it is at these locations that elemental casters from all over the galaxy have come to study and grow in their abilities. 
The Suramorn are now united under one flag even if it does depict the time of the Dark Zenith when the race was divided they would not change it, it is something that should not be forgotten.  The Suramorn are a very free people their government allows for a good deal of options when it comes to the life its citizens live yet their most basic laws are just as any other laws on any other planet, with this freedom some expected the planet to be in chaos but even with the small amount of force applied by the government the people have taken up arms to help their regions rather than fight and commit petty crimes. 
A people on the road to reconstruction and unity their will and their ability to give and take aid make the taboo of the “Balance” almost fade under the care and wisdom of this war torn race who seek nothing more than to rebuild their people and planet not to the state it was but both body and building to a higher state of being only time will tell if they succeed in their quests. 

Physical appearance: The Suramorn are a humanoid race, however skin, eyes and hair can range wide in color from pale almost ghostly white to shades of blue and even red. The men normally stand at 5’11 and weighing in at 200lbs.  Females, which are often smaller and slender, stand around 5’5 and 120lbs.  Their advanced technology has granted some of the more wealthy immortality through robotics but even the most basic of medical care gives them life spans much like the Arleon or Axis.  

The Planet Carcando: Even with the destruction of the wars the Suramorn fought the planet has re-grown itself into a beautiful mesh of thick forests and fast deserts, many large lakes, rivers and streams and even larger oceans than one would find on earth with the planet being 3x it’s size.  

Character information:
The Suramorn are Medium creatures +2 dice between Physical and Social, +1 dice dealing with technology.  (This applies to all technology no matter the type or age of the technology)