This one is entitled "Jamie just after the Grad Party".  It's a picture I drew from a photo.  This is my oldest friend in the world, Jamie. We had a joint high school graduation party, then went back to my house to open presents. One friend put glitter into one of my cards, and I threw it all over her.  We just went crazy with each other after that.  I had ribbons in my hair galore. She never looks like this in person - usually there's more make-up, perfect hair - , but I like this picture of her best of all because she looks real.  It's better reflected in the photo than this drawing.  The flowers are just so naturally feminine.  She looks like she's at Mardi Gras.  (2002)
Most women have this thought come up in their minds at least once in their life, if not many more times.  Some people just internalize it, other's talk openly - I draw it to get comfortable with the idea, albeit that this one is an overly good picture of what I would look like.  But, all the same, it does get the glow across.  It's aptly entitled "Thinking Pregnant." (2002)
Okay, I'll have to admit that this drawing is inspired from a black and white photo in Rolling Stone of (e-gad!) Britney Spears.  It appealed to me in the same way the picture of Jamie appealed to me; someone usually very visually 'exact' (I guess would be the word for it) looking natural, easy-going.  It's not yet completed (still adding flowers, etc.), but I had a chance to scan it in, so I did.  It's just called "Fairy."  (2002)
For awhile, I would do these big curvy lines, and then just make something out of them, sort of like finding the picture in the clouds.  This one, especially the hair and shoulder, just reminded me of the Morton Salt girl, so this one is appropriately entitled just that, "Morton Salt Girl."  It's very windswept, but very solid all the same.  Form was really beginning to speak to me.  (1994)
This picture is another curvy line one.  The part with the two arms really reminded me of those 'Mother/Child' pendants.  It signifies the way the earth (blue & green) should be (wrapped in love) in my eyes.  This is really one of my favorites because it's so abstract, something I don't usually do, but it doesn't tend to appeal to many other people.  It's called "Harmony".  (1994)
Imagine that!  Another curvy line picture.  (Must have been my thing in '94.)  Anyway, this is actually drawn on the angle (her head sticks into the top left-hand corner of the page), sort of a thing I do from time to time, especially if/when I draw trees (I mostly just doodle trees - not real   drawings).  I've turned it around, though, for more practical purposes.  It was originally just in pencil, but I colored it in a number of years ago (a big mistake - the good detail was more evident when it was in pencil).  I really don't have a name for this one, though "Victorian" and "Lady" both seem to fit.  It's quite surreal - her body isn't done in a way where I'm even trying to make it realistically proportional.  My mother really liked this one when it was in pencil but couldn't figure out a way to get the crooked picture to look right in a frame!  (1994)
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