Sunday, July 18, 2004

Lots of things happened this past week! The senate struck down the Federal Marriage Amendment! And on a more personal note, the set for camp is about 85% finished! YAY! The rest of it is just fine tuning.

Jeff and I went to Nation last night for the foam party, but we left after about an hour because neither one of us was really feeling it. I probably would have been more into it if there had been more people around. To be completely honest, I'm definately still attracted to Jeff, which is really eating me up inside because of the current situation.

My mom went to a Pre-Paid Legal briefing with myself and my associates on Thursday. I was really nervous about her being there, but I was also very happy that she went, and everything turned out all right! YAY!


Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I got my Pre-Paid Legal supplies today, which was very exciting! Stephanie W and I have already scheduled a brief business reception at Stephanie's house on the 28th. If any of you are interested in hearing more about what I'm doing and possibly even getting in on the ground level of the new (and still expanding) Northern Virginia branch of Pre-Paid Legal, you can e-mail me here to get more information about the meeting; time and address.


Sunday, July 11, 2004

Just got home from Amphora with Jeff. That was fun. We stopped by Brittany B's house and talked with her. She's interested in Pre-Paid Legal, so I'm going to give her some information and see if she'd like to join in.

This past weekend I went up to PA with Katie Co to visit my dad and hit up two arts & craft festivals. they were a lot of fun! I bought a painted tile with a flamingo on it for Mrs. Knap. It's dressed up as an Angel and really cute!

My sleep schedule is messed up again because of hanging out with Katie. Whenever we're together we always stay up late. It's a lot of fun, but terrible for me because I have to work tomorrow.

Went to my Fast Start Training for Pre-Paid Legal today with Stephanie. It was actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Teresa taught it. Teresa was the speaker at last Thursday's briefing. She is such an energetic and exciting person to be around! I am really happy to be able to work with her.

Tomorrow is Portia's birthday and I'm taking her to Amphora for breakfast before work. We have a lot to do at work tomorrow, and I'm really looking forward to getting a lot of it done. I've worked out about half of the lighting cues and am hoping to get the cues set tomorrow and Tuesday. I've also got a lot of really good ideas for some of the acting! You should all come see the show on the 22nd!


Thursday, July 8, 2004

I signed up for Pre-Paid Legal yesterday through Stephanie. I am very excited about this business opportunity! All of my paperwork has been sent in and I will hopefully be processed and the such within a week or two. After I'm officially signed up I have to register for my license to sell the memberships in Virginia. I can sell in Pennsylvania and Ohio without a license, though, which makes me happy because I'm going to be at Point Park and most of the student body there is going to be from either Pennsylvania or Ohio.

On a side-note, I'm going to be heading up to Pennsylvania tomorrow with my mom, step-dad and Katie Co. My mom and step-dad are going to Pittsburgh to visit family and I'm going with Katie to my dad's house for the People's Choice arts festival, which is absolutely amazing! It's a giant festival with entertainment and crafts that would blow your mind! The setup for it is even cool! The whole event is set in a circular pattern so the entire center of it is empty for people to have picnics and whatnot. I'm going to bring a camera with me so I can take pictures and put them on the site. I hope you'll all enjoy them! And maybe more people can come up with me next year to see it for themselves! it's really a lot of fun!

There's also the Heritage Days festival going on I'm Phillipsburg (my dad's town) which is just a local arts and crafts street fair. There are local bands and entertainment, lots of local artists selling their paintings and carvings and other crafts, and the food is amazing! You can gain twelve pounds in one day if you really wanted to! Saturday afternoon there's also a parade in the afternoon (3:00pm) and fireworks that evening, which are always fun. My cousins are coming down, I think, and a Katie's going to get to meet the rest of my family. It's going to be lots of fun! YAY!


Wednesday, July 7, 2004

Yesterday went wonderfully. Camp went along very well as Portia and I finished building all three books, Porkchop and Ashley finished building the base for the tower, we fixed the light in the tech booth, and Portia and I went to Home Depot and bought expanding insulation foam in a spray can to cover the tree we're going to frame up today. Ashley and I attempted spreading the foam after we sprayed it which only smashed it down and covered our hands in the stuff, which is incredibly sticky. My hands are still covered in the stuff and it's created a sort of tough film over my hands like it's supposed to do to itself when it hardens. It's quite upsetting.

Natasha left early because of family troubles and we spent the majority of the rest of the day playing theatre games and working on characterization with the children. They did a short Q&A with one another in character. My favorite question was my own to Yhanni, who plays Cinderella's Step Mother: "How do you feel about your husband's former flame?" to which there were hoots and hollers from the other kids only to have Yhanni reply "I took care of her." hahaha! She's a quick girl, she's going to do well in theatre.

I'm going to head out to Amphora (Review of Amphora) now for breakfast and then possibly go to the gym before I pick up Natasha for work.



