
Ahoy Mates: I have added some new pictures of Lualualei as it appears today. Robert Snyder was so kind to provide the pictures. Just click New Recent Pictures of Lualualei at the bottom of the menu list to view the new pictures. The second page contains some pictures of the present VLF installation which is still active. If any of you have photos or memories of Lualualei that you would like to share, please send to with “Lualualei” in the subject line.

NEW Pictures from Bob King

Where is OB Centers? UPDATE

NEW Pictures from Rich Lueke

NEW Pictures from Ron Wood

NEW Pictures from Rod Meier

Beach Party

More Pictures from RK

Personnel Pictures from RK

Flash Pictures of LLL

Recent Pictures of Lualualei

Pictures of Low Freq

Page 2 of Low Freq Pictures

NEW Recent Pictures of Lualualei

Pictures of Lualualei 1946

I have just learned that we lost one of our Lualualei Shipmates in Viet Nam.

Raleigh Lee Godley BM2 Lawson, MO PCF 41 May 22, 1966
Memorial to Lee

Lee was the caretaker at the Haiku Low Frequency Station with his family.

Here are three of the many pictures that I received from Ron Cook of Salmon, Idaho. He was stationed with me and just by chance we met on after 43 years. I never expected to see or hear from him again. The first picture was made out of the barracks window. The second picture was one he had of me that I did not know existed. Someone has painted me a mustache and beard and I am wearing a "cool hat". The back of the picture was marked "Bobby Birdsong Beatnik". The third picture was Ron Cook as he appeared in 1958. Ron is retired from the Salt Lake City Fire Department and now lives in Salmon,ID to enjoy hunting, fishing, golf and tending his animals.

This was the view out the barracks window.

This was me??? Who drew that silly mustache and beard and where did I get that hat ?

This is Ron Cook in 1958. That is Kole Kole Pass through the Waianae Mountains in the background. This was behind the barracks at our baseball field.

Ron Cook and his wife in Mexico in 1997.

I just heard from Bobby Bonds another Lualualei shipmate.
RM Bobby Bonds at the Order Wire at Low Freq and holding one of the big tubes -May 1959

Sailor Bob at Radio School and as a 2 year old sailor - - Bobby and his wife Jolin today.
I was sadden to hear from Bobby that he lost his beautiful wife Jolin to cancer in 2008

This is me with Yeoman Lewis Parker almost 50 years later.
Lew is a retired Senior Chief Petty Officer. This picture was made at a recent lunch meeting in Albany, Georgia. In Georgia we call it "All Benny".
Fred Bonner said we looked like we dressed out of the same seabag

This is me on the left with my former Lualualei shipmate Ken Sears at a meeting in Eugene, Oregon after over 40 years. We almost look like brothers. Ken is also a ham radio operator and I would go to the base radio shack and we would talk to other hams on the mainland in 1958. We worked together in the LU-4 building at Lualualei.

Rich Lueke about 1959 and with his wife now. Rich was a radio operator in the LU-4 transmitter building.

Rodney "Big Rod" Meier and his red Hudson convertible.
I just barely remember Rod as he left after about my second month at Lualualei. I do remember that Fred Bonner had nick named him "Big Rod"

This is the young retired "Big Rod" today enjoying retirement.

This is the young Fred Bonner that I remember at Lualualei. Fred was RM2 and supervisor of the watch when I first arrived at Lualualei. I was assigned to Fred's crew at LU-4 where he taught me everything I needed to know about the transmitters and operations of the Communications Station. I remember those night watches when we would sit around the console and listen to some of Fred's stories of life on the Mississippi River. Note in the picture that Fred has a box of flashbulbs, remember those ?

This is Fred Bonner on the right at his retirement presentation from the Navy. Fred is a retired Master Chief Petty Officer in the Submarines. He was not in the submarines when I met him at Lualualei. We heard later that Fred had been discharged and then re-enlisted and was back in the Navy and going to "B" school. Fred would later be "Chief of the Boat" and have a distinguished Naval career

Well finally Fred and I got together again after 51 years. We picked back up on our conversations of 51 years ago with out missing a word.
It was great to see Fred again!


Click Here For My Letter of Commendation

1958 Christmas Roster

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