Daisuke 'Davis' Motomiya
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Dark brown
Age: 10-11
Digimon: DemiVeemon, Veemon, Flamedramon, Raidramon, X-Veemon
Digieggs: Courage. Friendship
Family: Mother, Father, Sister (June)
Distinct feature: Goggles

         Davis is the leader of the new digidestined group.  Davis is similar to Tai and also considers Tai to be his role model.  He also just liek Tai is just as stubborn. 
At home Davis is still very stubborn and he also has a crush on Kari and gets extremely angry when she agrees with everything T.K. says.  To get his revenge on T.K. he deliberately says T.K.'s name wrong such as TJ and TA.
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Digidestined 01