Sora Takenouchi
       Sora is the most responsible out of her group, she is kind and caring like her mother.  She always looks out for others and does her very best to care for them.  This is shown in the earlier episodes where T.K. regards her as his own mother.  Sora's crest fits her well she is the one that cares deeply about everyone.  She always thought that her mother didn't care about her feelings.  Hoever when she finally understood the reason that her mother wouldn't let her play soccer and to work in the flower shop, she realised her mother didn't want her to get hurt.  This therefore caused birdramon to digivolve to the next level.
Sora loves to play soccer as much as Tai, she also now fully understands her mother's feelings and has a greater love for her than ever before.
Hair colour: Red
Eye colour: Brown
Age: 10-11
Digimon: Yokomon,
Biyomon, Birdramon, Garudamon, Phoenixmon
Crest: Love
Crest colour: Pink
Family: Mother
Distinct feature: Blue helmet


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