Social Science

Grade 2: Canada and World Connections: Features of Communities Around the World

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





* demonstrate an understanding that the world is made up of countries, continents, and regions and that people's lifestyles may differ from country to country;





* use a variety of resources and tools to gather, process, and communicate geographic information about the countries studied;





* explain how the environment affects people's lives and the ways in which their needs are met.





Specific Expectations





Knowledge and Understanding





* recognize that the world is made up of countries, continents, and regions, including Canada in the continent of North America;





* demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between location and climate (e.g., warmer climates occur near the equator);





* describe some similarities and differences in the ways communities around the world meet their needs (e.g., with respect to food, clothing, shelter, recreation);





* identify similarities and differences (e.g., in food, clothing, homes, recreation, land use, transportation, language) between their community and a community in another part of the world.





Inquiry/Research and Communication Skills





* ask questions and use factual texts (e.g., illustrated dictionaries and encyclopedias) to obtain information about communities around the world;





* interpret data and draw simple conclusions (e.g., establish connections between climate and clothing, or among artefacts, games, and celebrations);





* sort and classify information using more than one criterion (e.g., how environment affects the ways needs are met);





* use appropriate vocabulary (e.g., globe, model, distance, sphere, hemisphere, culture, countries, equator, North Pole, South Pole) to communicate the results of inquiries and observations about communities around the world.





Map, Globe, and Graphic Skills





* recognize and use pictorial symbols (e.g., for homes, roads), colour (e.g., blue line/river), legends, and cardinal directions (i.e., N, S, E, W) on maps of Canada and other countries;





* identify the earth as a sphere and half the earth as a hemisphere;





* demonstrate an understanding that the globe is a model of the earth;





* find the equator and the poles on a map and/or globe;





* locate on a globe or map their local community in Ontario; Canada; and the various countries and continents studied;





* construct and read a variety of graphs, charts, diagrams, maps, and models to clarify and display information (e.g., make graphs to compare the homes in various world communities).










* present information about children around the world (e.g., country of origin, language, food, clothing, homes, games);





* compare how people living in different climates (e.g., near the poles and near the equator) meet their needs for food, shelter, clothing, and recreation.





Student Name:





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.