
Grade 7: New France

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





* outline the reasons why settlers came to New France; identify the social, political, religious, and economic factors that shaped the colony; and describe how settlers and fur traders interacted with the First Nation peoples;





* use a variety of resources and tools to gather, process, and communicate information about how settlers in New France met the physical, social, and economic challenges of the new land;





* identify and explain similarities and differences in the goals and interests of various groups in New France, including French settlers, First Nation peoples, and both French and English fur traders.





Specific Expectations





Knowledge and Understanding





* explain why people came to live in New France (e.g., for land, for military reasons, for the fur trade, for religious reasons) and describe the impact of European immigration on First Nation settlements;





* identify key characteristics of economic, political, and social life in New France (e.g., the seigneurial system; the roles of governor, bishop, and intendant);





* identify and explain examples of conflict and cooperation between the French and First Nation peoples (e.g., with respect to the fur trade, religion and culture, military alliances/conflicts), and between the French and English fur traders (e.g., competition between the North West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company);





* outline the background and causes of key events of the period (e.g., the expulsion of the Acadians, the Seven Years' War, the Battle of the Plains of Abraham) and describe their effects.





Inquiry/Research and Communication Skills





* formulate questions to aid in gathering and clarifying information (e.g., How did the Catholic Church influence the life of First Nation peoples and French settlers in New France?);





* use a variety of primary and secondary sources to locate relevant information about how early settlers met the challenges of the new land (e.g., primary sources: artefacts, journals, letters, statistics, field trips, interviews, period documents and maps; secondary sources: maps, illustrations, print materials, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet sites);





* analyse, synthesize, and evaluate historical information from different points of view (e.g., First Nation peoples' ideas about spirituality and Jesuit ideas about religion);





* analyse and describe conflicting points of view about a historical event (e.g., the expulsion of the Acadians), giving examples of fact and opinion;





* construct and interpret a wide variety of graphs, charts, diagrams, maps, and models to organize and interpret information (e.g., create a diagram illustrating the structure of the government in New France);





* communicate the results of inquiries for specific purposes and audiences, using media works, oral presentations, written notes and reports, drawings, tables, charts, and graphs (e.g., create a chart illustrating the organization of the seigneury);





* use appropriate vocabulary (e.g., seigneurial system, rivalry, expulsion, Acadian) to describe their inquiries and observations.










* compare and contrast past and present attitudes to the fur industry (e.g., ideas about trapping, fashion);





* compare the attractions and drawbacks for French Canadians in choosing life on a farm versus life in the church or in the woods (e.g., as an habitant, a Jesuit priest, an Ursuline nun, a coureur de bois, a fille du roi).





Student Name:





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.