
Grade 7: Measurement

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





• report on research into real-life applications of area measurements;





• determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes, including the area of a trapezoid and the volume of a right prism.





Specific Expectations





Attributes, Units and Measurement Sense





– research and report on real-life applications of area measurements (e.g., building a skateboard; painting a room).





Measurement Relationships





– sketch different polygonal prisms that share the same volume (Sample problem: The Neuman Company is designing a new container for its marbles. The container must have a volume of 200 cm3. Sketch three possible containers, and explain which one you would recommend.);





– solve problems that require conversion between metric units of measure (e.g., millimetres and centimetres, grams and kilograms, millilitres and litres) (Sample problem: At Andrew’s Deli, cheese is on sale for $11.50 for one kilogram. How much would it cost to purchase 150 g of cheese?);





– solve problems that require conversion between metric units of area (i.e., square centimetres, square metres) (Sample problem: What is the ratio of the number of square metres to the number of square centimetres for a given area? Use this ratio to convert 6.25 m2 to square centimetres.);





– determine, through investigation using a variety of tools (e.g., concrete materials, dynamic geometry software) and strategies, the relationship for calculating the area of a trapezoid, and generalize to develop the formula [i.e., Area = (sum of lengths of parallel sides x height) ÷ 2] (Sample problem: Determine the relationship between the area of a parallelogram and the area of a trapezoid by composing a parallelogram from congruent trapezoids.);into two congruent triangles, and compare the area of one of the triangles with the area of the parallelogram.);





– solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the area of a trapezoid;





– estimate and calculate the area of composite two-dimensional shapes by decomposing into shapes with known area relationships (e.g., rectangle, parallelogram, triangle) (Sample problem: Decompose a pentagon into shapes with known area relationships to find the area of the pentagon.);





– determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies e.g., decomposing right prisms; stacking congruent layers of concrete materials to form a right prism), the relationship between the height, the area of the base, and the volume of right prisms with simple polygonal bases (e.g., parallelograms, trapezoids), and generalize to develop the formula (i.e., Volume = area of base x height) (Sample problem: Decompose right prisms with simple polygonal bases into triangular prisms and rectangular prisms. For each prism, record the area of the base, the height, and the volume on a chart. Identify relationships.);





– determine, through investigation using a variety of tools (e.g., nets, concrete materials, dynamic geometry software, Polydrons), the surface area of right prisms;





– solve problems that involve the surface area and volume of right prisms and that require conversion between metric measures of capacity and volume (i.e., millilitres and cubic centimetres) (Sample problem: An aquarium has a base in the shape of a trapezoid. The aquarium is 75 cm high. The base is 50 cm long at the front, 75 cm long at the back, and 25 cm wide. Find the capacity of the aquarium.).





Student Name:





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2005.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.