Health and Physical Education
Grade 8: Active Participation
Overall Expectations
•participate on a regular basis in physical activities that maintain or improve physical fitness (e.g., aerobics to music);
•apply living skills (e.g., basic problem-solving, decision-making, goal-setting, and conflict-resolution techniques) in physical activities (e.g., games, gymnastics, dance, outdoor pursuits);
•transfer appropriate interpersonal skills (e.g., exhibiting etiquette, fair play, co-operation, and respectful behaviour) to new physical activities;        
•follow safety procedures related to physical activity, equipment, and facilities, and continue to take responsibility for personal safety.         
Specific Expectations
Physical Activity        
•participate vigorously in all aspects of the program (e.g., indoor soccer, cricket);        
•apply the factors that motivate their daily activities (e.g., health benefits, interpersonal interaction) to positively influence others (e.g., family, friends, members of the community) to become physically active;         
Physical Fitness        
•improve or maintain their fitness levels by participating in vigorous fitness activities for sustained periods of time (e.g., a minimum of fifteen minutes) without undue fatigue;        
•assess their personal levels of physical fitness on an ongoing basis comparing to past performances, and apply the information to their short- and long-term goals;         
Living Skills        
•apply a goal-setting process (e.g., set a realistic goal, identify and address barriers, prepare an action plan, determine and access sources of support, and identify how to know when the goal has been reached) to short- and long-term goals related to physical activity or fitness;        
•demonstrate respectful behaviour towards the feelings and ideas of others;        
•follow the rules of fair play and sports etiquette in games and activities (e.g., maintaining self-control whether winning or losing).        
Student Name:        
 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1998.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.