Super Cripter Home Page
In development stage...   The project "Super Cripter" will be concluded after year end.
"Super Cripter" is a cryptography program for messages and files, specially conceived to grant maximum security, even superior to the one obtained with the application of well-known methods: blowfish, twofish...
Recommended: IE > 4.0, 800x600                 Updated:  18/Nov/2002
The privacy is a right, NOT a privilege...
The encrypt methods that you usually see in the internet don't present an appropriate level of security, especially if they are applied to small messages, those that a experienced cryptographer can decode in a couple of days in the worst of the cases...
For questions, comments and/or suggestions communicate to the email, please use PGP (see below), in my country (Uruguay) the lines usually are not safe.
On the other hand, few people has electronic equipment to verify the lines,  I ignore if is due to indifference or ignorance, since a simple detector of change of impedance is usually an efficient indicator, especially when they use old team in that the change of impedance is until bigger than half of the usual value.