Clouds Plane

We're going to make a sky plane. Considering the simple creation method, the outcome will look very very nice, so let's start.
Run Photoshop 7 :D
Create a new document, 500 pixels wide, and 500 pixels high. Pick the Gradient Tool (if you cant find the gradient tool, click and hold on the Paint Bucket Tool until you see a pop-up menu from which you can choose the Gradient tool). Edit the gradient colors by clicking the gradient palette (may have other colors on your machine).

After clicking the palette, you'll get a gradient editing dialogue. Put the gradient colors at this order(bright cyan, white, deep blue):

Your default palette probably won't have three Color Stops (little boxes under the palette), so you'll have to add them manually, by clicking under the palette (as the red arrows show), and to alter the Color Stop's color, click the Box near the word Color (the one marked with the red circle). After you've done click Ok. Now, to add the gradient to your document, click at the bottom of the document (while the Gradient Tool is still selected) and drag up in straight line. (Holding down the Shift key will straighten the line perfectly). You should get this (but much bigger):

Create a new layer, using the New Layer button on the Layers Panel.

Fill it with any color (you may use the Gradient Tool to do so, the color of the layer is unimportant). Now, set the foreground and background colors to white and deep blue, like this:

(To set the colors just click the big boxes and pick the colors. If u drag the mouse pointer out of the colors dialogue while it's open you can sample colors from your document by clicking them). Now after you've filled the second layer, we're going to apply the Clouds filter (!!!). From the Main Menu go to Filters>Render>Clouds, you should get this:

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