Christian Light
His Word - My Heart
My Yahoo! Photos
MSN gaming zone
Hi! I'm Amanda. I'm 15 years old and I live in Ontario, Canada. I have a half-sister and a half-brother. Their names are Laurel and Matthew. My mom's name is Marguerite but everyone just calls her by her middle name, Lynn. That's my middle name too. My mom is getting married to a man named Bruce. He's really nice. He has 2 sons that are the same ages as my sister and brother and both his sons have their own kids. They each have 1 boy, both about 4 years old. I have a dog named Missy. She's a mutt but she's a great dog. I'm sure she has terrier in her because she loves to dig and follow her nose. She's really cute and looks like a flat-coated retriever in miniature. As for me, I'm short and skinny and I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm not the prettiest person in the world, but I'm not the ugliest either. It's a good mix because I'm not being harrassed by guys too much but am not too ugly to be without friends. I have a good number of friends when you count all the places I've lived but I don't have many in the school I'm in now. But that's ok. I'm very independant and I don't mind being alone most of the time. I love animals, especially horses and wolves, and I want to be a veterinary assistant when I grow up.
My aunt's page
My aunt's pics of Erin
Animal Friends
The Starlight Valley Pack
I like to read, watch TV, play video games, draw and chat online. I also like to make up stories, which is why I enjoy role play chat in Yahoo Messenger. I like to go outside in the summer when the weather is nice and warm, but I don't like it when it's cold. The type of music I like is pop, classical, celtic, and Christian music. Not Christian rock, just simple hymns. There are a few rock songs that I like but I prefer pop. What do you like to do? E-mail me and let me know.
My sister is 21 years old and is engaged to a guy named Tim. Tim has 2 young sons that live with their mother but visit him and Laurel a lot. What is really cool is that she worls at a Woodbine racing track. I love horses as I told you before and I wish I could work there too but I'm too young and live too far away. My brother, on the other hand, is 23 years old. He's planning on marrying someone, too but I'm not sure if they are officially engaged yet. The girl he's in love with has a baby girl, too. As for my friends, I can't say much about them except that they mostly aren't very close friends. Not to say they are bad friends, but we aren't close enough for me to tell them anything personal. But that's just my offline friends. I have a lot of good friends online. Of course, I don't tell them anything really personal(like my last name), but that's because you can't really trust anyone online anymore. But they are still good friends and I enjoy talking to people online more than offline.