Tips on Panic Attacks
When you're out and about, try and carry a PANIC KIT, with you.  Especially if you are going anywhere which you may have a phobia of.  For example, if there will be crowds of people, if you are going on an aeroplane etc.

A Panic Kit consists of:

1.  Bach's Rescue Remedy (available from Boots, Superdrug etc)
2.  Lavender - place on a tissue or handkerchief and smell it throughout the day whenever you are feeling panicky or anxious
3.  An Elastic Band - place on wrist, and then 'ping' negative thoughts away
4.  Paper Bag - if you have a Panic Attack, breathe into a paper bag (brown not plastic), this will rebalance your levels of Carbon Dioxide
5.  Valerian Root - pour boiling water over 1 - 2 tablespoons of the herb and drink for 15 minutes.  Sweeten with honey.

Reduce stress levels, you can do this by staring at a Lava Lamp, tidy your room, do something to take your mind off it.

          Try to think POSITIVE.

          Eat healthily, avoid drinking caffeine as this will only make you more anxious.

          Make sure you have as much sleep as possible!

          Do activities which are relaxing - for example, try Yoga, it will make you relax, plus you can keep fit at the same time!

          Excercise regularly - when you exercise your body releases a chemical called 'endorphines' which make you happy.

          Don't rely in drugs forever (if you are).  Try alternative remedies instead, they may work!

          Talk to somebody - as the old saying goes'A trouble shared is a trouble halved.'

          Don't avoid certain situations as this will make anxiety worse, even though it reduces anxiety at the time.

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