Mr.DooM Files

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Blood Line
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The DooM BOTS are here!

Captain Mellows DooM Bots Site

Go here for the latest info on DooM Bots and to download existing bots.

Mr.DooM Solo DeathMatch! (724 kb) by Mr.DooM

Mr.DooM Solo DM is a Computer DeathMatch patch for DOOM II which uses all of MrDooM30 Wad's 30 levels. This file was made before the DooM source code was released so it's not nearly as advanced as the two bots listed above. I'm leaving it here for nostalgia reasons and recommend that you try the sites above for the best bots available.

Click below to Download MrdSolo...
Solo DM
Click HERE to read the MrdSolo text file

DooM Files

The following Table has links to various directories at CDROM.COM which has the largest collection of DooM files on the net. Use these links to enter directories that contain specific files such as DooM Editors, DooM Front Ends, and much more.


Level Editors
Graphic Editors
Sound Editors
EXE Editors
Front Ends
Serial Programs
Network Utils
Wad Tools

Below you'll find many specific DooM files that I've used myself. These all include a description to explain a bit on what each one does.

APCI DooM (477 kb) is a Modem shell that enables you to chat and play several games in one call. It's not only a front end for multi-player BBS's but can also be used for normal 2-player modem games. Try both Ser7 & APCI & see which one works best for you.

D! Demo (142 kb) which is the best shell I've seen for DooM & DooM 2. It will allow you to play PWADS in any order you want. Great for Death-Matches where you want to test out new levels. If you have any of the D! Zone CD's then you already have the commercial version of this.

DCK 3.61 (578 kb) -Still another update of DooM Construction Kit. Now uses response files when testing maps. DCK the easiest to use DooM Level Editing program out there. I started with DEU which was also great, but very difficult to use. This editor is a snap and has numerous features! DCK now works with DooM, DooM 2, Ultimate DooM, Heretic, & Hexen!

DooM FPS (30.7 kb) is a nice program for reading a standardized frame rate of your computer using DooM 2. Compare your machine with your friends. BTW, my readings are...

"LMP-30 on Nightmare" (5 kb) DooM 2 level 30 LMP's. If you're having trouble beating the last level in DooM 2, here's an LMP (demo) of me showing how it's done. I've enclosed a batch file with each to make it's use even easier.

LMP Utility (20 kb) will allow you to switch an LMP (demo) to work with a newer version of DooM, or to change views to a different player in a multi-player recording.

NWT (75.6 kb) or New Wad Tools is an easy to use program for extracting and inserting graphics into pwads. Also great for just viewing or hearing what's in some of those suckers.

PPP-DooM Faq for all of you asking if DooM can be played over the Internet. Read this and then you're on your own. :)

SER 7-5 (175 kb) is, by far, one of the best Modem Shell's for DooM, DooM 2, Heretic, & now HEXEN. Ser7 replaces sersetup (same code however) and will allow you to end a Death-Match in progress, Go to the Ser7 option screen to change any DooM settings, and then go directly back into another game. All without dropping carrier which means no more calling back over & over!
When you first arrive in the Ser7 program, you'll be at a screen where you can see all options at once. There are even split screens which each player can use to chat back and forth. All the options can be picked by clicking on them with a mouse. Great for people who hate to type (like yours truly).

SuperSer ! 2.1 (57.7 kb) is a Serial Communications Driver that simulates a network to allow multiple players in DooM, DooM2, Heretic, & Hexen. That's right, 2, 3, and even 4 players over serial connections. Furthermore, SuperSer allows connections with either a Null-Modem cable, a Modem or a Parallel Port Cable.

Sorry, But you're on your own with this program. A Network is still the best way to go

Wad Makers Hand Book (483 kb) is for any of you having trouble making DooM wads. This document was made by a fellow DooMer and is great for beginners & intermediate wad authors out there.

IPX Section

IPX ODI (41.2 kb) will give you the necessary drivers if you want to play Network DooM through DOS Mode. You can also play DooM network games directly through Win95 with just the native window drivers loaded. Of course you'll also need a network card, cable, splitters, & terminators, but you can now find NE2000 compatible cards for under $30.

IP-Xfer (47.6 kb) is a real easy to use program to transfer files over a network. No more floppy transferring of wads to your buddies. Just place the two files in your path, the sender changes to the directory with the needed wad and types "sendnet", while the others change to their wad directory and type "recnet wadname.wad". That's all there is to it!

Windows Section

DooM Saver (25 kb) is actually a DOS screen saver that has all the DooM monsters running around. Requires the registered doom.wad.

DooM Cursors (19.1 kb) for you combo Win95/DooM users out there. These cursors replace the normal various Windows cursors with a DooM theme. Windows is DooMed!

Desktop Themes v1.86 (111 kb) Allows Win95 users to use Themes with their computers without buying the Plus! Pak. Win98 users don't need this.

and download the Winzip version you need (Win95 or 3.1)

For DooM upgrade patches try my Help Page. For DooM Wads try my Mr.DooM Wad Page. For more DooM files try my Links Page where you'll find links for various other DooM sites including CDROM.COM, which has virtually every DooM file you'll ever need.

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