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Teep Squad Headquaters
We are Rangers we walk in the dark places no one else will enter, we stand on the bridge and no one may pass, We live for the one, We die for the one.
7/13/07 Well its been a long time since the last update but Major Stetson is back and she's still got a few tricks up her sleeve. After all, she can't leave Damien to cause trouble, now can she?
About the Squad
Talk to the Squad
Elena's Adventures
Beckie's Adventures
Jessica's Adventures
Kelly's Adventures
Rachel's Adventures
What exactly is a Teep Squad? Well we are a group of friends with special abilities. We travel through time changing history for the better. We are spies, Rangers, Earth force soliders, Air Force Officers and we fight a against the Shadows, the Psi Corps and any other force that threatens the universe in any way.
Most of these characters do not belong to us nor do we want them to, well ok ok so we wish Lee and both Johns, and Jack belonged to us but who wouldn't? This is a site just to entertain ourselves and others. We give full credit to Warner Brothers, and everyone else responcible for
Babylon 5, Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Stargate SG1 and Farscape. Consider this site a huge Crossover Fanfiction written by 9 people
Squad Pics
Kath's Adventures
President's  letter
From the President
Squad Quiz
How it all Began
Time Travel
Joining the team
Telepath War
Our Jobs
Renee's Adventures
Kamikaze's Adventures
Luna's Adventures
Elena's Farewell message
Time Line