
God's Loan

(We had this poem on the back of the funeral booklet)

I will lend you for a little time, a child of mine,He said,

For you to love while he lives, and mourn for when he's dead.

It may be one day, or seven years, or twenty-two or three,

But will you, 'till I call him back, take care of him for me?

He'll bring his charms to gladden you and, should his stay be brief,

You'll have his lovely memories as solace for your grief.

I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return.

But there are lessons taught down there,

I want this child to learn.

I looked the wide world over in my search for teachers true,

And from the throng that crowd life's lanes,

I have selected you.

Now will you give him all your love, not think the labour in vain

Nor hate me when I come to call him back again?

I fancied that I heard them say, Dear Lord, Thy will be done,

For all the joy thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we'll run.

We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may,

And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay.

But should the angels call for him much sooner than we've planned,

We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand.

Author Unknown


"For Benedict"

Thanks be to God for the gift He gave,

And the gift He's taken away;

A baby so dear, and a child so pure,

A soul never gone astray.

How dear to the Lord, and how dear to us

And how we shall miss his face!

Yet how could we keep him back with us

When Heaven's his rightful place?

In the joyous Mass of the Angels,he,

Who lived as an angel here,

Will be swept aloft where the pure of heart

See God's face bright and clear.

We have loved him in life, we shall love him in death,

And know he is still our own;

We've another saint to plead our cause

Before the eternal throne.

When we see the empty place at home,

Our sorrow will still be sweet,

For our baby has found the better part

In peace at the master's feet.

For joy that a soul has found his God,

That a saint has gone before

Praise the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost

Both now and for evermore.

By Sr. Mary Philip RSM


God Sent You the Best He Had

God sent you the best He had -

The blessings of baby hands

And ten small toes

that came in rows

Imported from angel lands!

God blessed

the little darling

And to earth

sent us this Pearl;

Who has won

our hearts already,

Your Blessed Baby Boy.


You Felt ...

You felt your baby's heartbeat beating below your heart...

Flesh of your flesh cradled in your womb.

God lifted your child from your womb..., up into Heaven...

Where your precious child is now enfolded in His love.

Your child, unique and special is reaping the joys of Heaven...

Without any heartache here on earth.

And God holds your precious baby safely in His arms, for you.

He wipes your tears with the absolute assurance...

That this separation is but a moment

When weighed on the scales of time, and eternity will be forever.

Your bond of love with your precious child..., is eternal.

By Julie M Howard


A Parents love

A parent's love is something

That no one can explain,

It is made of deep devotion

And of sacrifice and pain,

It is endless and unselfish

And enduring come what may

For nothing can destroy

Or take that love away...

It is patient and forgiving

When all others are forsaking,

And it never fails or falters

Even though the heart is breaking...

It believes beyond believing

When the world around condemns,

And it glows with all the beauty

Of the rarest, brightest gems...

It is far beyond defining,

It defies all explanation,

And it still remains a secret

Like the mysteries of creation...

A many splendoured miracle

Man cannot understand

And another wondrous evidence

Of God's tender guiding hand.


Welcome, little boy.

Strong arms

Will hold you.

Caring hearts

Will tend you.

Love awaits you

At every step.
