With over 9 years of extensive translating experience, we translate very well english indonesia and indonesian english. Indonesian translations and english translations are among our daily readings, and certainly our daily activities. As a native speaker of bahasa Indonesia and a professional, experienced, certified, & qualified translator, Teguh Irawan, S.S. translates with unmatched expertise, excellence from english into indonesian. English-Indonesia translations is our professional pursuit.



Dependable, Expert, & Professional English into Indonesian Translation Services Provider


We are a certified translator for technical  and human resources translations, also mining-related translations, including MSDS translations. Also, we specialize in oil & gas, political, economics (marketing, business), environment, hardware. So, should you need the best  services to translate some English texts into Bahasa Indonesia, especially in the above fields, whether it be small or large, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information and request of a quote, but please enter the site first, for you to be assured of our quality.

Professional and reliable services for English into bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) translations. 

We are here for you! At your service





excellent and proven track record

supported by worldwide network of professionals & experts

to attain the highest standards in the translation industry

to fulfill the strictest quality requirements


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We translate English text into bahasa Indonesia, or in other words we translate texts from English to Indonesian, as any other English-Indonesian translators,  we translate professionally and give much more concerns for quality and details, accuracy, faithfulness and speed as well. English documents translation into Indonesian has been our daily activity.