Toastmasters International

Tehachapi Toastmasters

Club 8675 - District 33 - Area 2

Toastmasters International
Weekly Agenda
This Weeks Duties/Roles
Club Officers
Contact Us
Frequently Asked Questions



We welcome guests at every meeting!

Mission Statement:
Toastmasters International is the leading movement devoted to making effective oral communication a worldwide reality.
Through its member Clubs, Toastmasters International helps men and women learn the arts of speaking, listening, and thinking - vital skills that promote self-actualization, enhance leadership potential, foster human understanding, and contribute to the betterment of mankind.
It is basic to this mission that Toastmasters International continually expand its worldwide network of Clubs, thereby offering ever-greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from its programs.








© 2001 Toastmasters International
The names "Toastmasters International", "Toastmasters",
and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected
in the United States, Canada, and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist.
Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

Site Created By: Erin Griesser