Character Classes
           Warrior Classes
           Mage Classes
         Spiritualist Classes
           Rogues Classes
Mercenary- Mercenaries are the most typical warriors of Unwritten Legends. They exist to fight and fight and make war.
Barbarian- Barbarians are the brute warriors of Unwritten Legends. They have an innate anti-magick skill about them, and they can be true berserk warriors.
Cavalier-Cavaliers are the knights of the world. They can be excellent at mount combat.
Qai-Monk-Combining some elements of magic and martial arts, Qai-Monks can be fearsome in unarmed combat.
Class Definitions provided by UL staff.
Theif-Your standard rogue; making his living by wits, skills and, fast talking.
Swashbuckler-The rogues answer to a warrior. This is the typical fantasy swordsman; dashing, agile and dancing all around the opponent.
Rangers-The woodsman, the hunter and the rogue of the outdoors, the Rangers of UL draw upon magic power that stems from the earth itself.
Tinker-Those who are just beginning to understand the world and laws of science.
Thug-Surviving more on brute force than wits they are the rogues strong-arms.
Wizard-Wizards are the ones who truly understand magick and intricate uses of it.
Illusionist-These are the people who have studied light, illusion and how magic affects the mind. They arrived at a symbiotic hybrid between arcane and vedic magic: the magic of light, sound, Illusion and the mind.
Alchemist-Concentrating on potions and powders, Alchemists weave their magick through the creation of things magickal,
Cleric-The lifeline of dead bodies. Many clerics are the priests of Eyssa, the Goddess of life and death.
Lightbringer-The preists of Jakob, Lord of Justice and Valor.
Mourner-The Priests os Shaellis, Goddess of the Underworld.
Lash - The priests of Vaen, the merciless. They deal in some very frightening magick.
Channeler - Channelers deal with summoning circles and sigils and have some very bloody rituals.
Empath - Mystical healers of the sick and fallen, their control of the body is second to none.
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