From the Bridge

by Becky Norris

Happy Groundhog Day, everyone! As I guess you all heard, Phil did not see his shadow, so good-bye winter! That's good news for all the warm-weather activities we might want to do. However, windy weather is right around the corner. Surprise, surprise!

I hope everyone is enjoying Star Trek: Voyager - there are a couple of characters that could use a little work, but I am very happy with the show. I especially like the idea of a female captain - I'm glad to see television shows that portray strong, capable women who do not have to resort to petulant behavior. And I'm ready to start the Robert Beltran fan club - Chakotay, Chakotay, Chakotay!

Did January fly by as quickly for everyone else as it did for me? For a long month it was certainly short! And this has been a crazy time at work, too - hopefully, everyone noticed that KPEJ is running ST:TNG four nights a week, followed by Voyager on Friday. I'm pushing for the station that's "all Trek, all the time" but that might be a little slow in coming. Besides, then I would miss "The X-Files," and that would be a tragedy. If I don't get my X-fix every week, I'm just a wreck. Maybe "all Trek (and X-Files), all the time."

I'm still continuing to read all the Trek books I can, but that is an ongoing task with one published every month. However, it certainly is a good way to get in touch with your favorite characters. And even the novelizations of movies and episodes offer a more in-depth look than the screen adaptations. But I vow to carry on, until I have read all of them. I can picture myself in 50 years, trudging my tired old bones down to the bookstore to pick up the latest book. by then, 80 years will have passed since the maiden voyage of the NCC-1701. Actually, I guess there might not even be bookstores by then, and I can just download the books into my computer. That will kind of take the fun out of it, though...

Well, enough ruminations for now. Until then, live long and prosper (so you can buy more books!)

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