Original UK Transmission: Wednesday 9th May 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 20

Written by Margaret Phelan
Directed by Clive Fleury


"Well, we'll go back to Callisto and I'll be charged under the Marine Services Act. I've no defence. I don't really think they'll hang me..." - Finbow Lewis

Piers continues to operate on Victoria as Herlinde and Rosie watch.

Finbow tries to raise Space City without success. Chantal and James arrive on the bridge. James summises that the satellite must have been knocked out, but Finbow says they should have direct contact in twentyeight hours, and landfall in just over four days. James says that someone will have to send a shuttle to meet them, as the CO2 extractor won't last that long.

Chantal tells Finbow that she has never been this close to Ganymede and that some craters will have been caused by the comet. She wonders if Space City was hit, and if so, will anyone be in a position to help the Ilea?

The operation over, Piers tells Herlinde and Rosie that he will stay with Victoria. Herlinde returns to her cabin, and tells Anna that they will be back in Space City in four days. Anna panics. Her college work is behind schedule.

Eliot tidies himself up and goes to Comcen. He wakes Finbow and Chantal, and tells them that he is resuming command of the ship. He places Finbow under open arrest for mutiny, and warns him to keep away from the bridge. He takes control, and claims that the ship is exactly where he always said it would be.

Rosie sleeps as Anna prays over the prone figure of Victoria. Melody and Herlinde arrive. When Rosie wakes, she tells the girls that Victoria is still unconcious. James tells them that Finbow has been placed under arrest. Rosie thinks Eliot has gone mad. Anna asks Rosie to contact Piers. She thinks Victoria is getting worse.

An anguished Piers tells Rosie that Victoria is too weak to fight the infection, and that it is too late for even Medicom to help, should it be repaired in time. He is sorry. Rosie is horrified that, after all they have been through, they are now going to lose her. Piers fails to wake Victoria.

In the common room, Melody warns Herlinde about starting Finbow off again if she says anything to him, but Herlinde wants him to know that they are all on his side. James and Chantal ask Rosie to speak to Eliot. Anna arrives and asks for help with her assignment. Chantal volunteers. Herlinde and Melody tell Finbow that he is a hero. He tells them that he knew what he was taking on, and that he has no defence.

Piers tells Fiona that he has been reduced to giving Victoria unprescribed anti-bacterials, as Alex is still working on Medicom. Fiona wonders what will happen if Victoria has an allergic reaction, but Piers tells her that there is nothing else he can do.

Rosie joins Eliot in Comcen and tells him that he will ruin Finbow's career. Eliot reminds her that no one stood by him when he was doing his duty, and that he is going to do his duty now whether she stands by him or not.

In a physics lab, a despairing Chantal tries to help Anna with her work.

Back in Medicom, Rosie tells Piers that they cannot let Eliot ruin Finbow's career. Victoria moans, and Piers tells Rosie that the antibacterials could be working against the infection, or against Victoria.

At breakfast, the next day, Chantal and James tell Finbow that they are all behind him. James is called to Comcen. Chantal tells Finbow that she doesn't think Eliot is fit to run the ship.

On the bridge, Rosie wonders if Cats got through to Space City. Eliot tells her that they will soon have a downlink, so she can speak with him. She tells him she is sorry if she hurt his feelings, and asks him not to punish Finbow, but Eliot maintains that Finbow endangered the ship. As Eliot starts the pre-ignition sequence, he tells Rosie to take care of the students.

Piers prepares Medicom for the launch as Victoria wakes. She feels awful, but he tells her not to move. He gives her a drink.

James tells Eliot that he is not qualified to co-pilot, but Eliot will not ask anyone else. As Petra ignites the engines and goes to full burn, Eliot tries to raise Space City without success. After checking that their comms antennae is working, Eliot, increasingly worried that Space City could have been wiped out by the comet strike, orders Petra to transmit a mayday signal.

In Space City, Petra's mayday call can be heard echoing from a communications console. In the room, an officer is slumped, unmoving over his desk...

Cast and Production Credits

Fiona Mcbride
Lucy Benjamin

James Bromwich
Richard Lintern

Chantal de Grecy
Caroline Evans

Piers Gilpin
Dominic Arnold

Victoria Frobisher
Nicola Wright

Rosemary Greenwood
Carolyn Backhouse

Herlinde Gothard
Nikki Brooks

Finbow Lewis
Phil Willmott

Charlotte Martin

Anna Begani
Anna Pernicci

Eliot Creasy
Andy Rashleigh

Melody Shaw
Suzy Cooper

Timothy Shaw
Andrew Read

Paul Gilpin

Costume Design
Charlotte Walter

Alan Parker

Special Effects
The Image Facility and
Boris Masnik at
Barrandov Film Studios

Studio Facilities
Central Television

International Co-producers
RPTA and
Axel Springer/Multimedia

Additional Visuals
The Anglo Australian

Scientific Adviser
Bob Parkinson
-British Aerospace

Script Editors
Diane Culverhouse
Nicola Venning

Associate Producer
Matt McCarthy

Produced by
William Smethurst

A Primetime-Andromeda Production 1990

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