Original UK Transmission: Wednesday 6th June 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 32

Written by Diana Souhami
Directed by Garth Tucker


"I was scared. I was so terrified, God damn it, I was willing to risk everybodies life on this ship just to save myself." - Mercedes Page

In Club Galileo, Mercedes tells Alex she will not go to Mars with him. She tells him that he is a thief who would have jettisoned everybody to save his own skin. He wonders what Brelan would think of her part in the plan, and she reminds him of his promise to keep it to himself. He tells an exasperated Mercedes that if she comes to Mars with him, he will not have to break his word.

In Medicom, Victoria asks Rosie to read the official inquest report on the loss of the Copernicus, which notes a verdict of deaths by misadventure. She tells Rosie that she ought to go back home to settle things with her mother. Rosie warns her that her mother may be remarrying, and Victoria asks her if she has been in touch.

Rosie plays Piers the message she received from Victoria's mother, who doesn't want her daughter back due to her new domestic situation. Rosie tells him that they have to persuade Victoria to stay.

In the Dome, Melody tells Timmy that she misses Jean-Francois. Timmy is worried about a rash on his arms, and he feels sick. Melody tells him to do his exercises, but Timmy collapses.

Alex tells an angry Mercedes that he has already bought two tickets to Mars in her name. She tells him he is crazy.

In Medicom, Timmy tells Piers he has a sore throat and a rash. He didn't tell Piers before as he didn't think he would take him seriously. Piers calls up his GFP, but is unhappy to treat the symptoms rather than the cause.

A shuttle docks with the Ilea. In the physics lab, Brelan tells Mercedes they are having to send a modified tug to Mars to take men to Scanlab for emergency radiation treatment, and complains that the Ilea is being kept whole to go on a replen voyage to Io. Mercedes wants to talk to him about something personal.

Eliot and Finbow are back on the bridge. Eliot wonders if they are wed together forever. Finbow reports that they leave for Io in six days, and some accommodation modules have been seconded for use by Daedalus personnel, geophysicists and mining engineers. Finbow continually calls Eliot "Sir", and the Captain asks him if he is taking the proverbial.

Having been told about her part in Alex's plan to escape in the Command Module, Brelan tells Mercedes to get out. He no longer wants her on Daedalus, and he will book her on the ship to Mars. She is shocked and upset, and says she was scared but has learnt a valuable lesson.

Daniel meets Victoria in the common room, and asks her if she is staying on. He offers to teach her to play poker, but she knows the rules and agrees to play him for money. She wins the first hand.

Anna finds a weeping Mercedes in a study lab. She asks her for help with her work, to help take her mind off things.

A crowd has gathered to watch Victoria beat Daniel at poker. He says he is going easy on her.

In the Dome, Brelan tells Alex that trying to steal the Command Module was actually a good idea, but blackmailing a member of his staff was not. He will be travelling alone to Mars - unless he wants to take Melody Shaw!

Lili is singing in the cafe and gets fresh with Jean-Francois. He contacts Melody and complains about Lili. Melody tells him to get the next shuttle up and she will smuggle him into her cabin. Lili tells him that he has been getting his orders wrong, but he tells her that he is tired and has to get to his fiancee on the Ilea. Lili tells him that the last shuttle has left, but she has a bed for him at the cafe.

Daniel is losing bady and tells Victoria that everyone has their off days. She tells him that he can have his revenge another time.

Piers tells Timmy he thinks it must be an allergy, and that while he runs tests they will have to keep him in a sterile environment on a bland, minimal diet.

Brelan meets Mercedes in the club. She has decided to resign, but he tells her that he expects her and James to represent Daedalus' interests on the Ilea. he also thinks that she will not have anymore trouble from Hartman. After the Professor leaves, Alex joins her and hopes that she will forgive him. He can't imagine having a good time without her. He asks an exasperated Mercedes if her answer is a categorical "no"...

Cast and Production Credits

Alex Hartmann
Jason Durr

Mercedes Page
Anna Chancellor

Victoria Frobisher
Nicola Wright

Rosemary Greenwood
Carolyn Backhouse

Melody Shaw
Suzy Cooper

Anna Begani
Anna Pernicci

Sunny Ormonde

Jean-Francois Baul
Ashley Russell

Piers Gilpin
Dominic Arnold

Timothy Shaw
Andrew Read

Professor Brelan
Richard Derrington

Finbow Lewis
Phil Willmott

Eliot Creasy
Andy Rashleigh

Daniel Wetherby
Daniel Beales

Paul Gilpin

Costume Design
Charlotte Walter

Alan Parker

Special Effects
The Image Facility and
Boris Masnik at
Barrandov Film Studios

Central Television Facilities

International Co-producers
RPTA and
Axel Springer/Multimedia

Additional Visuals
The Anglo Australian

Additional Music

Scientific Adviser
Bob Parkinson
-British Aerospace

Script Editors
Diane Culverhouse
Jane Fallon
Nicola Venning

Associate Producers
Matt McCarthy
Margaret Mitchell

Produced by
William Smethurst

A Primetime-Andromeda Production 1990

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