Original UK Transmission: Friday 19th October 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 90

Written by Margaret Phelan
Directed by Tom Kingdon

Brelan wants to know why Mercedes fainted. Christophe avoids a direct reply.

Eliot refuses to practise for his command skills test, but attends Mercedes' Space Navigation Lecture, in which he is obnoxious.

Eliot and Finbow check the Michaelangelo files with reference to the Achilles Expedition (to the Achilles asteroids -G33). A murder happened on the expedition and when the files are opened a strange blue light pulses at the top of the screen.

Mercedes tells Brelan she isn't pregnant.

Melody apologises to Victoria in the Dome.

Brelan examines the Michaelangelo files and the face of a strange spaceman appears on the screen. Then in the Dome Melody and Victoria are attacked by plasmoids (electrical flashes).

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