This page is dedicated to all my friends who have accompanied me this far.

As the Chinese saying goes something like ÔÚ ¼Ò ¿¿ ¸¸ ĸ £¬ ³ö Íâ ¿¿ Åó ÓÑ ( when at home, you can rely on your parents ; when on the outside, you can rely on your friends )  This page is dedicated to my friends and classmates who have helped me throughout my secondary school life by just being there.

Of the four years on Crescent Girls' School , I find that my Secondary 1 life was the most carefree and enjoyable. Although I spent my first year at the old school where we could see and hear the passing of a train frequently, I had many fond memories there. From rushing down after school for the flag lowering ceremony to having science lessons in the laboratory.  I remember we were a bunch of "innocent " young "kids" ( please *do* note the inverted commas ) who would only start studying for our exams the day before and ,get this, still could pass with reasonably good results.  Me and my friends still cannot figure out how we did that and  I don't think we would even dare to try that now.

The bunch of classmates that I was more closer to in secondary 1 and 2 were a group of friends whom we call ourselves e Facetious Family.  Does that sound familiar to you?  There was a point in time in 1994 that we had many dedications played on Say it with Music on the Perfect 10.  We enjoyed many a gathering together and encouraged one another along the way especially  when one of our member left us to rest in peace.  1994 was also the year where we moved to the new building which is opposite the Ministry of Education.

Secondary 3 and 4 years finally arrived where we were separated into different classes. Being in a Triple Science class ( Sec 3E9 and 4E9 ) or otherwise known as The Titans,our time table was hectic and long as we had to stay back for lessons three times a week while the rest of the level could go home.  Our class was also dubbed the "Kiasu" class by our Mathematics Teacher - Mrs Chan as we always seemed to be rushing our homework in school.  Come to think of it, it was quite scary to see the others in our class doing their homework and finishing them in school that me and my friends were soon affected and started to do the same.  Come to think of it, maybe it was better this way or I might not have the inspiration to mug for the 'O's.

Although I found the class rather hardworking for my liking, they also knew how to balance themselves by being active in other areas too.  We put up many plays for the different occasions and festival and never failed to get through the auditions.  One of the more memorable one was the play called The Silver Pillow ( Òø Õí Í·  ) which was a cross between TCS's Golden Pillow and other drama productions as well as Hollywood's Forrest Gump. We also were first consecutively in the cheerleading competitions during our sports day for the years 1995 and 1996.


BaCk To HiDeOuT