Yue Ling ( or Ngau Ling ) ÔÀ ôá  is a Taiwanese actress who is said to have shot to fame after the airing of the television version of the Qiong Yao novel, "Green Grass by the River" ( Çà Çà ºÓ ±ß ²Ý  )  Although she is not very popular in Singapore, which is probably due to the association of Taiwanese tradegy serials with her, she might very well be the next house-hold name in time to come.

In the ( 10/1/97-16/1/97 ) issue of Friday Weekly, she has been voted as one of the top 20 television actor for the year 1996.  Not only that, in the ( 8/11/96-14/11/96 ) issue of the same publication, she received the most votes to be featured on the poster page of that issue, beating her contenders such as Emil Chow and Cynthia Koh.

She was also included in the cast of Taiwan actors in the TCS and Taiwanese collaboration - Heavenly Ghost Catcher which was shown sometime last year and will be re-runned in the middle of this year ( 1997 ).

Not being a very famous actress to Singaporeans, I hope to gain more information on her from the people in Taiwan or China.  If you do know anything about this star, please drop me a mail.  Thank you !



YuE LiNg'S BiO-DaTa

Yue Ling's Album

Song Lyrics  


NoVeL BaSeD SeRiAls  

V-Day for Yue Ling

Yue Ling Nominated



BaCk To HiDeOuT