Here are my interpretations of my friend's personalities...

Drywall: Despite the odd nickname and seemingly endless supply of malfunctioning bots, Drywall is still a nice guy.

BRICE: Well, he ummm, he's from Kentucky, yeah that's it...

WeX/Fer: Ihave removed his description because he wasn't satisfied with it. As such, I shall issue a warning to all ppl who might meet him. If you insult him in the slightest he'll kickban you. Not a very likeable chap is he? Homepage here

Rei/Mars (formerly Gold14): I've known her almost since I started chatting on the EfNet. I was indirectly responsible for her becoming a moonie. <Rei> Do I really seem like Mars? <Tux> Yes only much less grumpy. She has a homepage now, go HERE to access where it will be soon, go HERE to see it as it is now (March 22)

Silver14: I don't see much of her... once I get a full report I'll get back to you.

^Tori^ (formerly RogueXmen): She and Tick have an understanding that will become apparent if you ever see them together. Unfortunately, due to the many disputeson our channel, she left, never to be seen again.

Tux: Yours truly. I am a moonie. I am a mail order sailor moon file catalogue. I have absolutely NO influence on the chan. I think people regard me as a novelty that's fun to have around.

Monet: Friend of Juggrnaut... No personality on this one yet either... full report later.

Juggrnaut: One of #X-MEN's more benevolent denizens. A great guy... trade files with him.

Tick/DaTick/Max: The Tick... who knows? (He's got loads of files)

Daisy2/Allthat: Not an op but certainly a reg. (Well, sort of)

Stooge: Ummm...

Saturn: I know her... don't mess with her, she influences WeaponX like nothing else.

Tannim: Sure she's ok... I guess.

Lafre: Hmmmmm...

CMZ: Well, he's a nice guy, a bit confrontational. People blame him for lots of things for some reason.

Vision/V|s|on: His name is Curt. I know him well enough I guess... he gets a space mostly because I see him every day. So, err... that's it I guess.

|UpOs|: I don't know this guy to well, again, he's here because I see him every day... doesn't mean I know who he is : )

If I missed anyone I'm truly sorry... tell me about it and I'll add you if you're a real reg.

This page created and maintained by Tux,

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