Life Support

Season one Epi: 15

Adam Arkin Aaron Shutt
Hector Elizondo Phillip Watters
Dennis Hancock Vondie Curtis-Hall
Danny Nyland Thomas Gibson
Camille Shutt Roxanne Hart
Billy Kronk Peter Berg
Geri Infante Diane Venora
Ray Kadalski Allen Garfield

A Donor Heart is held hostage, along with Jeffrey and Dennis ... Aaron has to operate on a cop with exploding Bullets inside him that blows off Nyland's fingers.


Alan Birch is in the hospital nursery singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to Alicia. Dr. Geiger enters.

JEFFERY: Alan I need you. Legal Stuff. Bad news to break to a patient.

ALAN: Can it wait? I'm almost finished

JEFFREY: The spider dies from melanoma 'cause of the sun, sing it to her later.

They walk down the hall and are stopped by Phillip who has Dennis Hancock with him

JEFFREY: We lost the heart to another transplant and our patient's not gonna ...

PHILLIP: Jeffrey, Dennis Hancock. Perhaps you've met before.

JEFFREY: No and it's hardly a thrill ...(Dennis offers his hand but Jeffrey won't shake ) ... your patient is getting my patient's donor heart, that leaves me a little salty.

Dennis looks at Phillip in surprise.

DENNIS: Well, the committee made the decision, not me.

JEFFREY: Well I'm about to explain that to my patient who is likely to die. Show me that little shoulder shrug again, that may be will be able to help me sell it.

DENNIS: My patient is now your patient Doctor, I hope you will remember that!

PHILLIP: Doctor Hancock has decided to come on staff here.

JEFFREY: Oh boy!

DENNIS: So perhaps you will ... come by my office .... I'll show you the shrug.

Dennis pushes past Jeffrey and leaves. Phillip checks his watch.

PHILLIP: Now, I timed that! It took 22 seconds for him to hate you. Must be a new record.

JEFFREY: It's not a record.


Jeffrey and Alan enter the room to tell Mike Fitzpatriack that his heart is going to another person, Michael Brodeur. Mike's brother, Kevin is there too. Kevin is hyper-upset.

KEVIN: What.

JEFFREY: Mr. Fitzpatriack, I'm afraid I have some bad news. The selection committee ... ah, voted to give the heart to the other candidate. I came to explain, to see the other patient.

KEVIN: You said we'd get it. You said this one would go to Mike.


KEVIN: Why'd you even check him in?

JEFFREY: Well, we wanted to be ready in case the selection committee ended up going in our favor.

KEVIN: No. Two years my brother's been waiting for a heart. You can't just ...

Mike grabs Kevin's jacket to stop him

MIKE: Kev.

KEVIN: No, Mike.


KEVIN: You're sick. How sick does he have to get? Who's this other patient? What, did he make a big donation to the hospital? Is that what's going on here?

ALAN: That is not what's going on. The next heart that becomes available, you brother will certainly ...

MIKE: You said that last time. This is the third heart that's come in that, for some reason or other, I loose out on. I'm dying damn it!

JEFFREY: I don't know what else to tell you. I argued with the committee ...

KEVIN: Did you tell the committee that he could be dead within a month? Did you tell them that?

JEFFREY: Yes I did. We remain hopeful that another donor heart will become available. Come on Alan.

DENNIS IS WITH HIS PATIENT, Michael Brodeur. He is all set for the OR. His wife and two children are with him.

DENNIS: Are you ready?

MICHAEL: I guess. You're gonna be there, right?

DENNIS: The whole time. I'm gonna get prepped and scrubbed right now. Next time I see you awake, you'll have a new heart.

MICHAEL: Dr., I don't know how to thank you.

DENNIS: Sure you do. Lets go.

Mrs. BRODEUR: Well be right here honey. Right here waiting.


KEVIN: You listen to me ...

PHILLIP: Step back a little, please sir.

KEVIN: You can't do this to a person. You can't check him in to give him a new heart and then change your mind, it's not right!

PHILLIP: It's not something we planned, believe me.

KEVIN: Look, if you weren't sure! look you can't play with people's hope like this. Dr. Geiger should have checked.

PHILLIP: Mr. Fitzpatriack, transplant decisions are very complicated, they're never easy.

KEVIN: It's politics.

PHILLIP: It wasn't politics (Shakes his head for emphasis)

KEVEN: I wanna know who the other Doctor is, I want to know what surgeon gets the transplant, I what to know what patient is more worthy than ...

PHILLIP: Who the other patient is, is not your concern. As to who the surgeon is, it's Jeffrey Geiger. He's out Chief Cardiothorasic surgeon.


KEVIN: I want to speak to Dr. Geiger.

DANNY: Please take your hands off me.

KEVIN: Where is he?

DANNY: I said get your hands off me.

KEVIN: I don't care what you said.

DANNY: Kevin, I'll call security.

KEVIN: Call 'em. They're not gonna help you Doctor!

Billy comes over and pulls Kevin off Danny, they pin him to the wall

BILLY: Be nice!

KEVIN: Why? Who are you?

BILLY: Doctor Kronk, what's you problem?

KEVIN: My brother's been waiting two years for a transplant, that's the problem! I want to talk to Jeffrey Geiger, NOW!

BILLY: Dr. Geiger is in surgery and this is not how me make appointments.

KEVIN: Really? What surgery? Heart transplanting the other patient? You sons of bitches, sons of bitches!

In the background a voice calls out making Danny & Billy turn away from Kevin. A cop is carrying the wounded one over his shoulder. They rush to help.

COP: We need some help, an officer's been shot, multiple wounds, please help me please.

BILLY: Put him on this stretcher, right here.

COP: Please do something.

DANNY: How many bullets?

COP: I don't know, seven maybe eight? Tom, I'm right here.

BILLY: Start a line DSW, I'm gonna need an e-t tube now!

COP: Can you stop the blood?

BILLY: Sir, you're gonna have to step back, right now! Right now!

NURSE: BP 260 palp.

DANNY: I got three entrance wounds to the neck.

BILLY: Two in the chest.

DANNY: Pupils are blown, somebody see if Shutt's around.

As they work on him a nurse struggles to remove his clothes. As she pulls his belt from under him, the gun falls from the holster onto the floor.

DANNY: Hang a flash-line and get me some o-negative.

BILLY: Two in the chest, I'm gonna need a trache-tray and back-up.

DANNY: Yeah, get me a cut-down tray.

ORDERLY: Yeah, It's here.

BILLY: Man, I'm getting nothing, this guys going down.

DANNY: Yeah, O.K. Forget it. We're wasting our time, somebody get vascular.

They take off, yelling at each other and moving fast. Danny is calling for OR3 and Shutt. As they leave we see Kevin was watching. He slowly picks up the gun.

DANNY AND BILLY ENTER OR3. They have masks and are moving quickly.

BILLY: What's your guess on the weight?

DANNY: Ah, 80 kilograms.

As they move him to the table Aaron enters still tying his mask.

AARON: What have we got?

DANNY: We got a cop full of lead, at least three in the neck, pupils blown.

AARON: X-rays?

DANNY: They're on their way.

AARON: Oh god, what a mess.


ALAN: Try to remain calm sir.

KEVIN: Stop telling me to remain calm. My brother was first on that list.

ALAN: We tried to explain, the committee deemed the other patient an emergency condition.

KEVIN: My brother's in emergency, Mr. Birch. He's dying and he's been dying and you bastards have been telling me ...

ALAN: Mr. Fitzpatriack, you have got to understand, we have a lot of patients here!

Kevin grabs Alan, and shakes him

KEVIN: No, you've got to understand, that heart was a match and you told me my brother was going to get it.

ALAN: We said, likelihood, we never promised. Do you know what likelihood means?

KEVIN: You know what Gun means, Mr. Birch?

Kevin pulls out the gun and points it at Alan.

ALAN: I certainly get the meaning of this one.

KEVIN: You have one pointed at your head. As of now, you are a hostage, Mr. Birch. I want you to take me to where that operation is taking place. We're gonna walk out that door and I'm gonna put this gun under my jacket and you're gonna walk calmly but you're gonna walk quickly and if you move or do anything stupid, I swear Mr. Birch, I'm gonna shoot you.

ALAN: Not respect.

DOCTORS IN THE HARVEST ROOM ARE TALKING INVESTMENTS. When the heart is ready, they place it into a clear container.

Dr. 1: The trust is off shore, that's the whole point. So even if you get sued, basin, it's all judgment proof. They can't touch those assets. Not even your ex wife. Tell Geiger he's on. What the hell!

Alan & Kevin burst into the room

ALAN: This man is here to take that.

DR 1: What?

KEVIN: Shut up! Just take it.

ALAN: Give me the heart please.

KEVIN: I'll shoot, give it to him. Give him the damn heart, come on.

They hand it over and Alan & Kevin leave. In Geiger's OR they burst in with the heart.

ALAN: Hello, everybody. This man is holding me, as well as the donor heart, hostage. He is insistent that we take said heart transplant it into his brother, a patient by the name of Michael Fitzpatrick. This is not a test, I repeat, this is not a test!

SWAT TEAMS SWARM INTO THE HOSPITAL. They spew through the doors like a tide coming on. The Chief talks to Phillip.

CHIEF: How many hostages?

PHILLIP: Approximately ten.

CHIEF: I'll need a floor plan, evacuate the area. Can we cut off the power?

PHILLIP: You cut the power, you may as well pull the plug on the transplant patient, he's on by-pass.

Kevin notices swat team members in the hall, he starts screaming in panic.

KEVIN: Get 'em out of here, I'll shoot! Get 'em out of my sight, I'll shoot! Get 'em out of here.

JEFFREY: Kevin, can I call you Kevin? Fitzpatrick has so many syllables

KEVIN: I'll shoot you, just for fun.

JEFFREY: I'm sure you would. It's just that I want you to consider something. The police can not let you prevail on this, it's a matter of policy. They let you win, people will be hijacking organs all over. My own grandmother would be in here demanding a new colon.

Kevin shoots some instruments in temper. Everybody screams and ducks down in fear. Jeffrey jumps and yells "Shit". Birch is pushed out the door into the arms of the police and Phillip. Everyone is yelling at once.

ALAN: It's all right. He just blew out some equipment. He sent me out to tell you he wants all the police out of the corridor, if he sees a policeman he will begin shooting and I believe he will!

CHIEF: All right. So he's just got one gun?

ALAN: Yeah, and it is very big! He wants his brother prepped and brought down for surgery now.

PHILLIP: We can't do that.

ALAN: It was a very big gun Phillip.

COP: Look, why don't you just start prepping the brother. It could at least buy us negotiating time. I'll pull our men out of the corridor.

ALAN: The barrel was like a 2 inch diameter, it was like looking into a big, huge cave.

COP: I'm sure it did.


AARON: What do you mean, he's got a gun!

CAMILLE: That's the word, he's in there with a gun, he's got the whole room hostage and he's demanding the heart for his brother.


MICHAEL: Kev, you can't do this. It's suicide.

KEVIN: I don't care if I gotta go to prison for the rest of my life, Michael. I'm not letting you die.

MICHAEL: Look, we can do this another way.

KEVIN: I think it's too late for that brother.

MICHAEL: Kevin? Please. Listen to me please ...

Kevin turns the speaker phone off and addresses Geiger.

KEVIN: Shouldn't that thing be refrigerated?

JEFFREY: No. You bring up an excellent point. It can't stay viable in here long and your brother isn't even prepped.

KEVIN: He's getting prepped.

JEFFREY: Kevin, there isn't time. The human heart will be useless.

KEVIN: What do you think, I'm stupid? Listen! My brother's been on the transplant list for over two years, I know everything there is to know about that thing, including the fact, all a human heart needs to stay good is to be packed in ice or put in a potassium solution and that's exactly what we're gonna do. I want you to put it in a baggie full of potassium and put it back in the basin, then fill it up with ice. And you, check what's taking my brother so long, he should have been here by now! (He spoke to Dennis who moves to the phone)

AARON AND DANNY START TO TRY AND REMOVE THE BULLETS. Danny drops the first one in the basin.

DANNY: Here's the first one.

AARON: Look at the size of these.

DANNY: How's the pressure?

CAMILLE: Still good. He's strong.

DANNY: Here comes number two.

AARON: You're making me look bad.

There is a loud bang as the bullet explodes. Everyone yells and hits the floor. Camille crawls under the table to Danny who is crouching on the floor holding his hand, which is covered with blood.

DANNY: My hand.

CAMILLE: Oh no, oh God.

DANNY: It exploded in my hand.

CAMILLE: It's OK Danny, he's got two fingers severed.

AARON: Get Geri Infante, stat! OR2, get him in there Put some pressure on the wound Camille. Johnson, help Camille. I'm OK here. Get a stretcher in here.

CAMILLE: Hang on.

THEY RUSH NYLAND PAST THE SWAT TEAM, Phillip turns watching in shock and Geri & Kronk are there.

GERI: It's gonna be OK Danny.

DANNY: My hand is gone.

GERI: It's not gone, I'm gonna fix it. I need a general surgeon.

BILLY: Right here.

DANNY: My hand.

PHILLIP: What the hell happened here (grabbing Billy).

BILLY: Something exploded, I think it was one of the bullets. Aaron's still working on the guy.

PHILLIP: You got somebody from the bomb squad? (To the Chief)

CHIEF: We're all from the bomb squad.

PHILLIP: Then, get somebody scrubbed and into that operating room (Turns to Billy) Go with Geri, go, go.

Alan runs up and grabs Phillip.

ALAN: Kevin Fitzpatrick is on the intercom and he wants to talk to you.

CHIEF: Who is that?

PHILLIP: He's the terrorist!

In the OR Kevin is talking into the intercom

KEVIN: Get my brother down here, now!

PHILLIP: He's on his way, Mr. Fitzpatrick, We can't ...

KEVIN: I said get my brother in here now! (Turning of the intercom, he addresses the room) all right you people, get ready to operate, lets go.

JEFFREY: Kevin, Common sense time.

KEVIN: Shut up (pointing the gun at Jeffrey)

JEFFREY: I will shut up, right after I say this. Even assuming the heart is right for your brother, come on, conditions have to be perfect for a successful transplant. We have a field here that's far from sterile. The potential patients not adequately prepared, we have no blood supply on hand. And, plus all the Doctor's hands are shaking 'cause some whacko with a gun, I won't mention names.

Kevin responds by shooting up some more equipment and Dennis looks at Geiger

A POLICE OFFICER, (Sgt. Robb) IS TALKING WITH MICHAEL. Phillip is there also

MICHAEL: My brother's got some emotional problems.

SGT ROBB: I understand you sir, and it's our hope to get him out safely but we're having a hard time establishing dialogue. Now, could you tell us his interests, maybe a hobby, anything to help us access ...

MICHAEL: When he gets like this there's nothing I can say to calm him, just get me in there, if I'm with him, I can help.

ANOTHER COP: Sergeant Robb?

SGT ROBB: Yeah, OK. I have to go to the other O.R. I happen to be the demolition's expert.

MICHAEL: (to Phillip)Please, um, please don't kill him.

PHILLIP: No-one's looking for that to happen Mr. Fitzpatrick.

MICHAEL: He's just a scared kid and aside from me being all he's got, he's really all I got too.

IN AARON'S OR Aaron is trying to understand what has happened, he's talking with Sgt. Robb.

AARON: How the hell can a bullet explode?

SGT ROBB: They're called Devistators, now they usually explode on impact but if they hit soft tissue, they don't. Now, how many have you got in there?

AARON: About a million! Damn it! All right. Harry, I need you to stay and watch the monitors. Everybody else I want out of this room. This patient is a ticking bomb. Get out of here now.

CAMILLE: You can't leave him like that.

AARON: I will stay and deal with the officer, everybody else, out of here, Now! Move it! Lets go!

CAMILLE: You can't do it alone, you at least need somebody to ...

AARON: Camille, beat it.

CAMILLE: Who'll pass you the scalpel?


CAMILLE: You have to be perfect Aaron, or the bullets explode. You need at least one other pair of hands, for God's Sake, I'm staying.

SGT ROBB: All right, I want helmets and jackets on both of you ... you too(to Camille)

Sgt. Robb gets on his radio to order more of bullet proof gear.

SGT ROBB: Get me two shields.

AARON: And hurry up or this guy's dead.


GERI: I'm gonna start with the bone and then move to the tendons.

BILLY: Danny, you sure you wanna be awake for this?

DANNY: I want to see the monitor.

GERI: Suction here please.

EVERYONE IS DISCUSSING THE SITUATION out at the nurse's station.

CHIEF: We've got one possible vantage point in the north-east corner. Our marks man has a shot .

ALAN: Oooh, if he sees you getting in close.

CHIEF: He's not gonna see us unless he gets into that corner. If he does we take him out before he gets a chance to look.

PHILLIP: No. It's too soon to start shooting.

Phillip turns around to find Ray Kadalski with his guitar hovering.

KADAWSKI: Let me talk to him, Phillip.

PHILLIP: No! not a chance, not a chance.

KADAWSKI: I've got my guitar.

PHILLIP: Not now Ray, give me a phone

They walk off leaving Kadalski holding his head in his hands.


KEVIN: No phone. Get my brother down here .

PHILLIP: Your brothers about to be taken to pre-op. We'll prep him and have him in there in 40 minutes. In the mean-time ...

KEVIN: There is no mean-time! You don't get my brother down here by two O'clock, there's no mean-time for any of these people!

JEFFREY: I really feel compelled to speak again.

KEVIN: Shut up! I don't wanna hear another word from you!

JEFFREY: Shoot me, go ahead Kevin. Only problem is, I'm the only one in here that can do the transplant. That gives me confidence. I die, no heart for your brother. That's the reality. Here's another one, this man here, his name is Michael too. Michael Broduer. Got a big hole in his chest, and the longer he stays on bypass, the more damage to his blood cells and the less chance he lives, you're killing him!

KEVIN: I don't care.

JEFFREY: That's crap! you care. Let's cut a deal, right now. Next heart goes to your brother. Automatic. Done. No Committee, nothing. Next tissue match, heart goes straight to Mike, this one we put in Mr. Brodeur.

KEVIN: Mr. Brodeur can get the next heart, this one goes to my brother!

AARON IS WORKING ON THE COP AGAIN. They have bullet proof shields on under their scrubs and face shields on.

AARON: OK, I've got it with the forceps.

SGT ROBB: Don't squeeze it.

AARON: Well, .. I .. I can't remove it without applying some pressure.

SGT ROBB: Can you jiggle it?

CAMILLE: I see it Aaron, let me cut away some of the muscle, it should come right out.

AARON: Be very careful, be careful Camille.


They remove it and place it in a bowl

SGT ROBB: Let me have it. That's it, these things are little bombs. How many more did you say?

AARON: Two, maybe three.

SGT ROBB: Yeah, well, I hope your hands are steady.


PHILLIP: There's been a complication.

MRS BRODEUR: What sort of complication?

PHILLIP: Your husband's stable and under anesthesia. Unfortunately the donor heart has been kidnapped. A young man entered the OR with a gun and he's demanding we transplant the organ into his brother, he has the whole room hostage at the moment.

MRS BRODEUR: There's a man with a gun in my husband's operation?

ALAN: (interrupting) Phillip, sorry, I am sorry.

PHILLIP: Excuse me?

ALAN: This is Mrs. Brasso, the officer's wife who was shot, and his parents.

FATHER: We were told you'd stopped operating on our son.

PHILLIP: No, we still have one surgeon working on him, Aaron Shutt, our finest neurosurgeon.

FATHER: What's this about a bomb in the room?

PHILLIP: Well, unfortunately your son was shot with bullets that explode and we're trying to neutralize those bullets before they detonate.

MRS BRODEUR: Why can't you shoot the man with the gun?

PHILLIP: We can't do that.

FATHER: Who has the gun?

PHILLIP: No, different operation. No-one has a gun in your son's procedure. That's an entirely separate operation ... we'll keep you all apprised.

Phillip hurried off leaving everyone more confused that before


GERI: It's going very well, Danny.


KEVIN: It's taking too damn long, where the hell's my brother, I'm loosing my patience.

JEFFREY: I'm loosing my patient!

KEVIN: Shut up!

BIRCH IS GIVING A PRESS CONFERENCE. He keeps playing with a microphone on the dais and causes feedback through the speakers

ALAN: I am in charge. I am completely in charge, ah, while Dr. Watters tends to the hostage situation, the administrative would ...

MALE VOICE: Yes, but how many people have been shot?

ALAN: No-one has been shot, ah, yet. And we hope to keep it that way. We've got an excellent team, ah, negotiating and of course medical personnel thrive in crisis situations, so ...

FEMALE VOICE: Is it true you were taken hostage and what can you tell us about the gunman?

ALAN: The suspect did, in fact, apprehend me with what appeared to be a very large revolver. The barrel of which was pointing directly at my left temple, ah, but I can tell you, I was in extreme fear but I, in fact, remained calm at all times and despite of the largeness of that weapon. I took my cue from the skilled medical practitioners here at Chicago Hope.


BILLY: You're not going to accommodate this nut, are you?

PHILLIP: We're just trying to buy some time.

BILLY: Yeah, if ya buy too much time you're gonna loose the transplant patient.

PHILLIP: I know that.

BILLY: Look, put me in there, one punch! He's out.

PHILLIP: Come on Billy.

BILLY: Really, I could kill this guy! One punch!

CHIEF: I need you to get on the phone again.

PHILLIP: He won't come to the phone, you heard him.

CHIEF: To call one of your Doctors. The marksman is in position. I need one of your doctors to help get the suspect into the corner.

PHILLIP: You're gonna shoot?

CHIEF: This man is not coming out until he gets what he wants, do you wanna save this patient or not.

BILLY: I'm serious Phillip, one punch, I can end this.

CHIEF: Who are you?

BILLY: Who are you!

CHIEF: Look, the suspect is getting more erratic. Either we charge in there or we get one of your doctors to get him to a place where we can take him out. Make the call.


KEVIN: What's taking them so long? This shouldn't be taking this long.

JEFFREY: Kevin, at the risk of seeming self-destructive I thought of something else to say.

DENNIS: Why don't you just keep it to yourself! Can you do that for all of us? Just keep your mouth shut!

KEVIN: Everybody shut-up, you shut-up and you shut-up. This is taking way too long.


PHILLIP: Now you listen very carefully.

JEFFREY: I've been listening Phillip, I won't do it. I will not facilitate this man's execution.

PHILLIP: Either we take him out or we loose Mr. Brodeur.

JEFFREY: Firing squads are against the Hippocratic Oath, you ever read that?

Kevin is listening and moves closer

KEVIN: What are you talking about?

JEFFREY: It's medical.

KEVIN: I don't believe you, get back speakerphone.

JEFFREY: Right. What we're really doing is trying figure out how to shoot you! Do you want me to save your brother or not.

KEVIN: Get back on the speaker phone.

JEFFREY: Kevin, you better ...

KEVIN: Don't make me.

DENNIS: All right, I've had enough.

KEVIN: You stay put.

DENNIS: Shut-up, Kevin!

Dennis grabs the phone and yells at Phillip

DENNIS: Dr. Waters, this is Dr. Hancock! Get Mr. Fitzpatrick's brother in here now so we can do the damn transplant.

PHILLIP: Dennis ...

DENNIS: Get him in here, let's go.

KEVIN: Give me that! Now, my brother comes in alone, you have the orderlies leave him at the door. Got it? And as of now, phone service is cut off.

Kevin shoots the phone off the wall


AARON: Ah, Damn it.

CAMILLE: Take it easy.

AARON: This next one's deep in the bone. Right in the C5 vertebral body. There's no getting it gently, son of a bitch!

CAMILLE: All right, all right. Lets not panic.

AARON: We've gotta jar it to get it out, Camille. It's a perfect situation for panic!

As Aaron starts trying to get it out Camille starts singing "Puff the magic dragon". Aaron and the cop look over at her in confusion.

AARON: Camille?

SGT ROBB: What are you doing?

CAMILLE: His mother used to sing him that song. It calms him (she starts singing again)

AARON: Please, please don't sing at this time. OK?

CAMILLE: Just trying to help.

AARON: Puff the Magic Dragon does not help me! This next bullet is in a very tough place. So I'd like everybody to just ... just step back ... Now.

CAMILLE: It does calm him.

SGT ROBB: I'm sure it does



DANNY: Do you think I'll ever be able to use them again?

GERI: I think so, yes. I wanna do a Doppler

DANNY: I'm not talking about taking about raking leaves, Geri. I'm a surgeon. Will I be able to use my fingers again? Odds of me operating again?

GERI: 30-40%

KEVIN IS PACING. Everybody is on edge.

KEVIN: If my brother is not down here in 30 seconds ...

DENNIS: He's coming. He's on his way.

KEVIN: Yeah, right.

JEFFREY: (to Dennis quietly) Then what? The guy gets wheeled in, our negotiating time is over. What the hell do we do now.

DENNIS: Now you listen, we're on the street now! And as fine a surgeon as I'm sure you are, you are now on my turf! And the best thing you can do to help is to chew your lip making zero noise.

JEFFREY: Nobody talks to me like that.

DENNIS: Well, it's time somebody did.

JEFFREY: Day one. You're sinking fast

DENNIS: By submarine! Do what I tell you.

They wheel Michael down the hall, Kevin has a nurse with the gun to her head.

KEVIN: Everyone, leave him at the door and then get back. Anybody makes a sudden move and she dies.

Leave him and walk away

Dennis goes to walk past Kevin

KEVIN: Where are you going?

DENNIS: Going to get your brother, what does it look like?

BACK AT THE NURSES STATION PHILLIP, The chief and Alan are all talking.

CHIEF: What the hell is he doing. Does he have some kind of a plan?

PHILLIP: I don't know.

CHIEF: Is he going to do the operation?

PHILLIP: I don't know.

CHIEF: You know anything?

PHILLIP: Shut up.

ALAN: We're a team guys!



MICHAEL: Kev, don't do this.

KEVIN: It's the only way Michael. Otherwise your gonna die.

MICHAEL: I don't want live that way.

KEVIN: They're gonna find a heart for that other guy, guys like him, they can work miracles. Guys like us don't. I'm just trying to equalize things a little. Can you believe this? I work for gun control. I even passed out fliers, ya know I've got one in my hand that could save your life.

KEVIN: (addressing the OR) Hey, you wanna stay healthy? Buy a gun.

JEFFREY: Can I have that one?

KEVIN: (grabbing him) You think that's funny?

DENNIS: Kevin.

KEVIN: Get back.

DENNIS: Let him the hell go! He's the one who's doing the procedure! Now let him go. Come on, we're wasting time.


DENNIS: We're gonna do the transplant on Mr. Fitzpatrick. Dr. Geiger, are you ready? Are you ready Doctor!


DENNIS: All right, lets go.

Outside Phillip and the others are listening. They must have the gurney bugged

ALAN: Can he do this? Perpetrate the ??????, do this procedure? I mean does this leave us open for the liability ...

PHILLIP: There's no policy on this thing.

ALAN: ... can he do this?

PHILLIP: They have to survive in the room.

ALAN: What about .. about them, what about Brodeur.

PHILLIP: I don't know about Brodeur. I can't see in there and I don't know what the hell they're doing!


CAMILLE: Careful.

AARON: Aww, this one's really wedged in.

SGT ROBB: Just be careful.

Aaron turns and shouts at them, throwing his instruments down in temper.

AARON: I'm being careful! Will everybody please stop telling me to be careful! All right. I'm gonna have to ... I'm gonna have to grab it and pull, that's the only way it's coming out and if I don't do it now, Mr. Brasso's in trouble. So, everyone just get ready 'cause here ... here goes

He yanks it and it comes out. Everyone sighs , then Aaron drops it. It rolls away and doesn't go off. Everyone bursts out laughing to relieve the tension. Then suddenly, bamm, it goes off and they yell. Aaron falls backwards, landing in an undignified heap. He gets up and turns to Camille & Sgt. Robb

AARON: This sucks! This really sucks!


VOICE: What's going on?

PHILLIP: He's still stable with only one more exploding bullet to remove. We remain hopeful that it won't blow up. As for your husband Mrs. Brodeur. The gun man is still in control of the room so the surgeons are evidently preparing transplant the organ into the suspect's brother. Now the situation is not in our control. Now, I can tell you, Mr. Fitzpatrick is very erratic, he has fired off several shots out of anger and should he run out of bullets before the transplant, we will of course revert the donor organ back to Mr. Brodeur. If you'll excuse me.


JEFFREY: What the hell are we doing?

DENNIS: Just keep going.

JEFFREY: Do you know what you're doing?

DENNIS: I'm sure. Mr. Fitzpatrick, are you sure this is what you want?

KEVIN: He raised me, gave up college for me, I gotta save him. Just do it!


JEFFREY: Scalpel.

They Begin.

IN DANNY'S ROOM GERI IS FISHING AROUND IN A JAR OF LEECHES. Billy is sniggering and Danny whines

DANNY: Are you crazy? You can't stick that thing on me!

GERI: You've got to drain the venous blood from the fingers, Danny.

DANNY: I don't want a leech stuck on me, they make me sick. Use a needle?

GERI: We have to keep the arteries open. The leech know how to suck out the Venus blood only, so the tissues don't become swollen and compress the arteries. He won't bite ... well, actually he will, but this is good.

DANNY: I'm going to be sick.

GERI: Do you want your fingers to work again or not?

DANNI: All right, all right.

GERI: (putting it on his finger) come on baby. That's right. Get it, get it. come on, get it.

DANNY: Argh!

GERI: oooo, he was hungry.


KEVIN: You're home free Mike. You're gonna be OK. Home free!


DANNY: Fat bastard! My finger better work again, fat blood sucking bastard!

GERI: We're getting good flow.

DANNY: So's he!.

GERI: Be nice. He's doing good work. Whether you'll be a surgeon again, I don't know. But you'll have the fingers.


JEFFREY: Suction. Erica, do it better than that will ya?

DENNIS: Kevin?

KEVIN: What?

DENNIS: Step over here would you, please?

KEVIN: What?

DENNIS: We're ready to do exactly as you asked. Your brother's chest is open, his heart can be out in three minutes

KEVIN: Well? What are you waiting for?

Dennis walk over so he is between the two men on the operating tables

DENNIS: I want you to take a good look at something.

KEVIN: What are you doing?

DENNIS: Michael Brodeur. He's not some rich benefactor to this hospital. He's not here because of politics. He's here because his heart gave out faster than your brother's is deteriorating. It gave out! He makes $31,000 a year steam cleaning carpets! He's my patient and he happens to be more sick than your brother.

KEVIN: Save the speech, just ...

DENNIS: Look at him Kevin! Now we put that heart in to Mike, this guy is dead. Now. No second chance, no hope against hope, he's gone. Now we give him the heart we have, your brothers odds go down, but he doesn't die! At least not today. Look at him Kevin. Look at him Kevin! Now you wanna kill him? Fine. You got the gun, and the power. But know what this man is. Know he's got a wife, son and a daughter, who might love him a fraction as much as you love your brother. Now you don't wanna think about the consequences, but his children, they got consequences.

KEVIN: I just want my brother to live.

DENNIS: It's your call Kevin. You got the gun, and the power. Cock the trigger, we kill Mr. Brodeur. Your call.

KEVIN: He raised me. Everything I am today, I owe to him.

DENNIS: You got the gun, Kevin. Make the call. Come on damn it, we've got two chests open. You want a sacrifice this man, make the call Kevin. Do it. Make the call, Kevin. Tell us to kill him. You got the gun, tell us! Make us kill him damn it, make us kill him.

KEVIN: (backing away) I love you so much Michael, Goodbye. My donor card is on my wallet, it's in my back pocket.

Dennis and Jeffrey realize what is about to happen and the both scream "NO' as Kevin shoots himself in the head.

A nurse runs into the hall way shouting to the police that he shot himself. Everyone runs in, Billy in front.

BILLY: Are you all right?

DENNIS: Yeah, all right. Harvest this man's heart, it's right for transplant.

CHIEF: What?

DENNIS: Move! He's got a donor card, we've got a brother over there. We should have a tissue type & match.

JEFFREY: Get Mr. Fitzpatrick in OR2, I'll finish Mr. Brodeur in four. Let me know when you've got him on by-pass.

CHIEF: Hold on. (The Chief is man handling Geiger)

JEFFREY: I hold on, we've got three dead guys, come on, get outta here, come on, I'm not loosing anyone else today, damn it!

DENNIS: Come on!

PHILLIP: Can you do this? JEFFREY: I've got no choice.


AARON: One more. Then we can patch him up and get him to the ICU.

CAMILLE: Where's the bullet?

AARON: Ah, it's located behind the sternum. It's gonna be a bear to ...... what the hell?

The patient starts coding

AARON: He's arresting.

CAMILLE: No pulse, flat-line.

AARON: You gotta be kidding me! Come on Mr. Brasso (Working on his chest)

CAMILLE: (in horror) Aaron, there's a bullet in there!

AARON: His heart doesn't start, he's dead. Get back Camille. Give him an amp of Epi.

CAMILLE: Stop it, it'll explode.

AARON: GET BACK CAMILLE! Robb, take her out of here!

CAMILLE: (screaming) If it goes off his heart will explode!

AARON: Come on Mr. Brasso, come on

CAMILLE: There! you've got a pulse. You've got rhythm. Enough.

AARON: Camille ...

CAMILLE: (Hysterical) I don't want him to die, but I don't want you to die either. There's gotta be a line, Aaron. We don't have to risk our own lives. He could die anyway. There's gotta be a line, no-one can force you to do this.

Aaron grabs her shoulders and looks her in the eye talking quietly to her

AARON: Camille, there's one more bullet.

CAMILLE: (angry) there's always one more bullet!

AARON: Camille, I can't let him die.


JEFFREY: Six hours on by-pass. Let's hope Mr. Brodeur's still viable. OK, let's go. Give it to me.

BILLY & DENNIS HARVEST KEVIN'S HEART. Billy is in a naughty mood

BILLY: So, how do you like Chicago Hope so far?

DENNIS: Shut-up.

BILLY: Me too! Ya know if I would'a been there I could'a stopped him! One punch.

DENNIS: Yeah! Right!


Kadalski starts singing high hopes.

DANNY: No, no. Get out of my room. I'll call security. Help! Nurse, help! Help !


JEFFREY: Hang in there Mr. Brodeur. We don't wanna disappoint your wife & kids.


BILLY: Give my best regards to Geiger.

DENNIS: Right.


AARON: Got it! Here's your bullet, Mr. Robb.

SGT ROBB: Just don't drop it!

Aaron looks over at Camille and starts to smile.

AARON: And we are done. Somebody get in here and patch this man up.

Aaron goes over to Camille and they embrace as a team enters to close up


JEFFREY: OK Let's go.

DENNIS: How is Mr. Brodeur?

JEFFREY: Off by-pass. Doing good.

Everything is winding down. The panic is over and the adrenaline is wearing off. Everyone is tired. Jeffrey and Dennis exit the scrub room, removing their masks to rest in the corridor. Jeffrey is looking at Dennis


JEFFREY: Nothing.

Aaron joins them looking worn out too.

AARON: How was your day?

JEFFREY: Same ole, same ole. You?

AARON: Me too. Buy you a beer?


AARON: Camille's getting the car.

As they walk out, Jeffrey turns back to Dennis

JEFFREY: Come on.

DENNIS: Next time. I got a patient to check on.

JEFFREY: Suit yourself. Dennis, I'd go down in a submarine with you any day.

ALAN IS IN THE NURSERY. He is singing Itsy Bitsy Spider again. Phillip walks in



ALAN: Do you know the second verse of that? The spider doesn't die of cancer does he?

PHILLIP: I don't think so, no.

ALAN: Three more weeks, she gets to leave the hospital. I got a little nursery set up. I can't wait.

PHILLIP: I bet you'll be a great father.

ALAN: Ahhh, we work too hard Phillip. Ahh, the things we go through around here. I tell ya, getting a gun pointed at your head can really be therapeutic. Remind you what's important.

PHILLIP: Having a gun put to your head can also be detrimental.

ALAN: Mmmm, certainly if it goes off.


ALAN: Yeah, me? I am one of the lucky one here. It's just really inappropriate for Jeffrey to say the spider gets cancer.

PHILLIP: Yes it was.

Alan starts singing again and Phillip leaves

Dennis is with Mr. Brodeur

DENNIS: There was a minor delay but everything went great. You're gonna be fine. We'll move you to your room in about an hour. I'll see you over there. You did great

Michael Fitzpatrick is on the next room, breaking his new heart.

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