....The knight had a faithful and somewhat tolerant wife, Juliet, who wrote beautiful poetry, said clever things, and had a penchant for wine. He also had a young, golden-haired son, Christopher, who he hoped would grow up to be a courageous knight.
....Juliet and Christopher saw little of the knight, because when not fighting battles, slaying dragons, and rescuing damsels, he was occupied with trying on his armor and admiring its brilliance. As time went on, the knight became so enamored of his armor that he began wearing it to dinner and often to bed. After a time, he didn't bother to take it off at all. Gradually his family forgot how he looked without it.
....Occasionally, Christopher would ask his mother what his father looked like. When this happened, Juliet would lead the boy to the fireplace and point above it to a portait of the knight. "There's your father," she would sigh.
....One afternoon, while contemplating the portait, Christopher said to his mother, "I wish I could see Father in person."
...."You can't have everything!" snapped Juliet. She was growing impatient with having only a painting to remind her of her husband's face, and she was tired from having her sleep distrubed by the clanking of armor.
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