by HollyJo

Chapter 30

"What are you doing here?" a stunned Miranda asked Sonny.

Sonny grinned his evil grin, "I'm taking a vacation."

"And you just happened to be on the same plane that I'm on. Right...I believe that," Miranda said with a snort.

Sonny shrugged his shoulders, "I told you I wasn't through with you yet. And since I can't trust you not to disappear, I decided I had better tag along."
Jerry watched as Libby continued to pace her bedroom floor, checking the time on her watch every few seconds, "You're going to wear yourself out if you keep that up."

"I don't know how you can just sit there. It's after 2:00. Granny should have called hours ago." Libby said biting her lip and checking her watch again.

"She's only a couple hours late. Like I said her flight was probably delayed." Jerry stretched. "Right now, I'm a little more concerned about Jax and Mel. They should have been back by now."

"Yeah," Libby said, letting out a sigh. "I wonder what's keeping them. You don't think they were caught do you?"

Jerry grinned at her, "Since when did you become such a worry wart?"

Libby sat down beside Jerry on her bed, "I've always been a worry wart. It's just that you've never seen me like this before because I've always been worrying about you."

Jerry put his arm around her and pulled her into his chest, "Now what could you possibly have to worry about me?" he teased.

Libby rolled her eyes, "Let me see, there was the time that you were abducted by those Iran Gas Mongrels. Or the time that you went to South America to sign some legal papers and ended up being gone for 3 weeks without calling anyone and when we found you, you were playing chess with the local crime lord...or the time that you decided it would be fun to sneak into Buckingham Palace to get the scoop on..."

Jerry put his hand over her mouth to silence her, "Okay, I get it...no need to expand on those memories. But I have to say, I never knew you were worried. You were always too busy being mad at me."

"Geez, now why would I be mad? Especially when I found you cavorting with 3 sheiks wives that time I found you in the Sahara." Libby said giving him a soft punch to his stomach.

"Hey," he said as he caught her fist and brought it to his mouth for a kiss. "If I had known you were jealous I would have simply told you that they were a gift from the sheik."

Libby sat up and glared at him, "I wasn't jealous."

"Of course you were," Jerry said with a smile. "Of course, I didn't know it at the time, but looking back on it...your behavior was definitely the classic signs of jealousy. Hey watch it!" He yelled as Libby grabbed a pillow and started beating him with it. He managed to finally grab the pillow from her hands and tossed it over the side of the bed and then in one smooth movement had Libby on her back, her arms above her head. His smiling mouth hovered near hers and he whispered, "Tell me you were jealous."

Libby shook her head and shut her mouth tight, wiggling to get free.

"Tell me you were jealous," he whispered again as his lips softly touched her clinched mouth. She shook her head again. "Tell me," he said as he tried to lick her lips apart. She just stared at him as she felt his lips head for her neck. "Tell me," he whispered again, "Tell me."

Libby had stopped her struggles and was fighting the intense feelings of arousal as his head dipped between her breasts, "Ahhhh...." her moan sounded through the room as he pushed her blouse out of the way and gently bit the roundness of her breast. He raised his head and saw her looking at him with glazed eyes and open mouth. He swooped down and captured her mouth with his, his tongue tasting the sweetness inside. "Tell me," he whispered.

"Tell you what?" she whispered back.

Jerry looked in her eyes and swallowed, "Tell me you love me," he whispered, his heart in his eyes.

The ringing of the phone interrupted before Libby could answer. Jerry swore and pushed off of her to grab the phone.

"Hello? Hazel Mae! We were getting worried about you..." he managed to get out just before Libby grabbed the phone out of his hand.

"Granny? What took you so long?.....What do you mean you were busy digging for information? Where are you?....YOU'RE WHERE?....Dammit Granny, I told you to get back home....Don't lecture me about cursing. Why didn't you come back to the states?" she argued with the elderly lady.

Jerry grabbed the phone back, "Give me that. Hazel Mae, why aren't you back in the states?.....We didn't ask you to go to the Philippines.......That's not the point.....you did?...... Did you get their names?..... That's just the point, it's way to dangerous for you.....I didn't say that I didn't trust you.......no, I know that you aren't some helpless female, but that doesn't..... Hazel???....Hazel????" Jerry pulled the phone from his ear and looked at Libby.

"What? What did she say? What happened?" Libby asked, not liking the expression on his face.

Jerry put the phone back in it's cradle and turned to hold on to Libby's shoulders, "Now Libs, don't go thinking something is wrong. We just go disconnected, that's all."

Libby shoved his hands off of her and headed for the closet, pulling down an overnight case.

"Where are you going?" Jerry asked.

"I'm going to get her out of there," she said as she quickly started throwing clothes into the bag. "There's no telling what kind of trouble she's gotten herself into. I'll never forgive myself if something happens to her..." she bit her lip to keep from crying out.

Jerry headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"I'm going to pack and call the airport to get the jet ready."
Mel held her breath as the footsteps drew nearer. Jax was like a rock, beside her. He hadn't moved a muscle. The two listened as the footsteps came closer. Just as the person was about to reach them, they heard the door open. The footsteps stopped. A soft giggle reached them. Jax looked down at Mel, who looked as if she was about to pass out.

"Hey you!" a female voice said, "I thought I would find you in here." The door closed.

"Hey you!" came back a seductive male's voice. A voice that both Mel and Jax recognized.

The footsteps turned and went slowly to the door, another giggle could be heard. All was quiet for a few moments, than a small sound could be heard. Jax looked down at Mel again who was making a face. It was obvious she recognized what those sounds were and wasn't happy about being stuck in a room where some heavy kissing was going on. Jax stifled his laughter. Suddenly the lights went off and the sound of lowering zippers could be heard. Mel moaned softly and Jax put his hand over her mouth.
Mel stood and looked around the darkened room. The two lovebirds had just left. She squeezed through the two file cabinets and straightened up. Her knees and back was stiff from squatting for so long. She saw Jax squeeze through and stand upright. He shook his legs out and rolled his head. She twirled around, embarrassed and headed for the desk and quickly flipped the little light on, refusing to look at him. Jax was amused that she was embarrassed and he laughed softly. Mel raised her eyes to him, her cheeks flaming red.

"I thought you were going to pass out," Jax said. "I thought cops were supposed to be able to handle a situation like that."

Mel straightened the files and shoved a few under her jacket, "I'm a cop...I'm used to finding people that are hiding...I'm not used to doing the hiding myself."

"Oh," Jax said with a smile. He took a couple of files that she handed him and shoved them under his jacket as he had watched her do. "I take it we are through for the night."

Mel glared at his smiling face, "You know for someone that just heard one of the murderers of his wife, you sure are chipper."

Jax's face grew somber, "I know who he is. I know where I can find him. I know I'll bring him to justice, either by the law or outside the law. Don't ever think I won't."

Mel sighed, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

Jax shrugged, "I guess I just got caught up in the humor of the moment."

A tiny smile crossed Mel's face, "I guess it was pretty funny, come to think of it." The two smiled at each other.

"I'm going to file the rest of these, then we are getting out of here." Mel said as she grabbed the remaining files and headed for the file cabinets.

"What's the hurry?" Jax asked.

"That was too close a call...I'll look these over at the house and return them tomorrow. It'll be safer." She pushed the last file into it's slot then turned to Jax, "Besides, I've really got to go to the bathroom."
Jax and Mel stepped through the front door of his home just as Libby and Jerry were coming down the stairs carrying their overnight bags.

"Where are you two off to?" Jax asked.

"Granny is in trouble. We're going to the Philippines." Libby said as she grabbed a coat out of the coat closet.

"What's she doing in the Philippines?"Jax asked.

"Libby had her doing some investigating into Miranda in Australia. She was supposed to be back in the states by last night, but we got a call from her. Seems she decided to do some more investigating in the Philippines. We got cut off so Libby wants to go drag her back here." Jerry said in explanation.

"Do you need some help?" Mel asked.

Libby, Jerry and Jax all looked at her. Libby was the first to speak, "No we can handle it, you and Jax stay here and concentrate on Brenda's murder case. We'll call as soon as we know something."

Libby and Jerry left the house and Mel turned to Jax, "Are you sure we shouldn't go along to help?"

Jax shrugged, "If they need us, they'll call. Why don't I get us something to drink while we look through those files."
Hazel Mae Winters hid behind some bushes as she watched two men exiting the house where Miranda had resided. In their arms were boxes. She watched as they tossed them into the backseat of their car and left. She looked around to make sure no one was looking, then went to the front door. Finding the door unlocked, she turned the knob. The door was pulled from her hands and she tumbled into a couple of strong male arms.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" came the deep voice.
End of Chapter 30


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