A Grand Romance

by Venus

Chapter 11

The Cottage

11:30 am

Robin sat across on the loveseat, facing Detectives Garcia and Taggert. She had been answering their questions for about ten minutes, and was growing tired

of where they were trying to lead. She knew all about police investigations, and interrogations having lived with three Port Charles police commissioners. Her

father Robert Scorpio, her mother Anna Devane, and her uncle Mac Scorpio. She had liked Detective Garcia when he was partnered on the force with her uncle

Mac, but since Lily Rivera’s death, he seemed to have his judgement clouded when it came to Sonny, Jason or Brenda. She felt Taggert had also impacted his

judgement with his all out hatred for Sonny, and his loathing of Jason. She knew both felt embarrassed by the events last summer that had culminated from the

Dorman murder case. They had blamed Brenda, arrested her, and she had escaped leading them on a wild goose chase with Sonny’s help. In the end it was

Brenda, Jax, V and even Sonny that had proven Brenda’s innocence. Something no one doubted for a minute except Garcia and Taggert.

“So Robin you were driven home by Jason in his limo. You didn’t even go in and tell Brenda you were leaving the PC Grille, or even offer her a ride too?”

Detective Garcia questioned, his voice rising at the end.

“I needed to talk to Jason about something, and when I left the table Jax was approaching Brenda at the table. I didn’t plan on leaving with Jason. We were

talking in his limo, he wanted to get Michael home and asked if he could drop me off here. I said ‘yes’. It was that simple. I didn’t really think about Brenda until

Jax called in the morning to see if we had made it home okay.”

Taggert was taking notes, and looked up from the notepad, “So you didn’t even know Brenda didn’t come home or her whereabouts until Jax called?”

“Well, I knew she wasn’t home because she would have come in and told me so before going to bed. I assumed that she was staying at the PC Grille or with

Jax.” Robin responded, a little annoyed at Taggert’s implication that she didn’t know where her friend was or even cared.

“So when did Brenda arrive home Miss Scorpio?” Taggert asked,

“She came home around 9 or 10 am.” Robin replied.

“How did she seem? Upset, happy, calm, stressed out, or depressed?” Taggert pressed.

“Tired. She took a bath and went to bed. Not that you need to know that since it is irrelevant.” Robin answered back, truly uncomfortable about talking about

Brenda, and irritated to know that they were so concerned about a bottle of missing pills when she knew that her uncle had been kidnapped and replaced by

some unknown perpetrators, only to escape. She now understood why Mac, V, and Felicia were investigating those events themselves.

“Did she say anything to you?” Detective Garcia moved to the edge of the couch trying to take control back from Taggert in asking the questions. He could see

that Robin had become quickly annoyed with Taggert, the questions, and especially the way he asked them.

“All she said was she wasn’t hungry, that she was going to take a bath and go to bed. I haven’t talked with her since.” Robin answered Garcia as she got up

from the loveseat and started walking towards the door. Basically showing the Detectives the way to the door.

Both Detectives rose and followed her to the door. Detective Garcia extended his hand to Robin. “Thank you Robin for being so cooperative. If you will let

Brenda know that we would like to ask her some questions we would appreciate it.”

Robin shook Garcia’s hand and then opened the front door.

Robin saw Brenda running up onto the front porch with a snowball in each hand, laughing. She heard Jax voice from around the side of the house hollering, “You’re

going to pay for that!”

Detective Taggert had stepped out onto the porch. Brenda had ran to the corner of the porch, to the swing, not noticing him coming out the door. She took

position and as Jax passed the corner of the porch she unleashed both snowballs, one hitting him squarely in the back, the other on the side of his face. Jax

turned, and lobbed a snowball back in the direction of Brenda. She ducked down taking cover from the back of the swing. The snowball had so much speed that

it hit Taggert directly upside the head. Jax stopped dead in his tracks in front of the porch as he watched the snowball make contact with Taggert’s head.

“Oops!” Jax replied, trying to keep from losing it.

Taggert’s reaction was quick and instinctual. He dropped immediately to the porch floor, and drew his weapon.

“No!” Brenda cried out as she saw the gun drawn and pointed at Jax.

“Taggert!” Garcia yelled.

Taggert realized that it wasn’t an attack and pulled back his weapon. Rubbed the snow from the side of his face, and proceeded to pick himself up off the


Jax had moved up onto the porch, and Brenda had ran to him and put her arms around him. Garcia had extended his hand to Taggert to assist him in picking

himself off the ground. Robin just stood in the doorway, and shook her head in disbelief at how Taggert had reacted.

“Sorry about that, I was aiming for the lady here. She just was a little to quick in taking cover.” Jax said to Taggert as a smile crossed his face, and he brought

Brenda closer to him with his left arm. “However, I do think you need to be a little less trigger happy, or some innocent bystander could have been killed.” Jax

now stared directly a Taggert letting him know he didn’t appreciate him scaring Brenda or Robin with his quick draw tactics.

“Didn’t anyone tell you throwing snowballs is dangerous, Mr. Jacks?” Taggert replied back angrily.

“Taggert, we are on private property, enjoying this winter wonderland that nature brought to us. No one was in any danger until you happened to get in the middle

of our friendly snowball fight. You were the one that put people in danger by pulling your gun. I suggest you use a little more caution.” Jax firmly responded as his

eyes warned Taggert in a whole different way.

Brenda completely irritated by Taggert’s reaction asked, “What are you doing here anyway?”

Detective Garcia stepped forward and responded, “We were here to question both you and Miss Scorpio about certain events that happened at the PC Hotel

the night of Mr. Jacks presentation party.”

“Well if you want to question me, you will have to set up a meeting with my attorney Lee Baldwin. If there is one thing I learned from being with Sonny, it was

never to answer any questions that either of you two might ask, without an attorney present.” Brenda used her finger to point to both Garcia and Taggert.

“So the mob boss taught you well Mrs. Jacks, oh sorry, that’s Miss Barrett now isn’t it?” Taggert sarcastically asked.

“Well I learned from you Taggert that you couldn’t be trusted with the truth, that you had your own agenda, and perception of what is right and wrong. Believe me, I

will protect myself, by using my legal right of having an attorney present.” Brenda had stepped forward and her voice was controlled.

“Why, something to hide?” Taggert quipped back.

“That’s enough! I think it’s time for both of you to leave. Like the lady said if you want to talk to her call her attorney.” Jax was clearly irritated and annoyed by

Taggert’s actions and comments. Jax guided Brenda towards the front door of the cottage, as Robin moved back into the living room.

Brenda turned as she reached the door of the cottage, “Good day gentleman,” and shut and locked the door behind her leaving Taggert and Garcia outside on

the porch.

Brenda watched through the window on the door as they walked down to their car and drove away. She took a deep breath, and turned to look at Jax and Robin

who had been watching her watching them leave.

Jax moved closer. “Are you okay? I know seeing that gun must have upset you.” Jax took her hand and walked her to the landing and sat down on the hardwood

stairs. Robin watched as she sat across from them on the couch.

“I’m fine you two, he just took a little of the fun out of the morning. But now it’s over and I’m going to forget about him. I’ve had way to much fun today to let him

spoil it.” Brenda brought her knees to her chest as a smile as bright as the sun crossed her face.

“So tell, what was so much fun?” Robin asked knowing Brenda was about to burst with enthusiasm.

“I’ll tell you all about it once I have changed. I want to get out of these wet clothes.” Brenda turned to Jax and said. “I think you should too, or else you’ll catch


“You can my room to change and shower if you want Jax.” Robin offered.

“Thanks Robin.” Jax replied as he turned and winked at Brenda.

“I’ll put on some coffee while you two change, then I want to know what put those smiles on both your faces.” Robin said as she got up and walked toward the


Jax helped Brenda up and she leaned against him. “Want to conserve some water Mr. Jacks and share a shower?” Brenda whispered in his ear.

Jax nuzzled her neck and said, “What would Robin think?” trying to control the feelings that she had ignited with her suggestion.

“I think Robin would be happy to see we are finally getting it right.” Brenda whispered back seductively.

“Brenda, I would love to share a shower with you, but I don’t think this is the right time. I want what is happening between you and me to just be between us for

right now, okay?” Jax smiled longingly at her.

“Okay, I understand. Just between us. I’ll try but I will guarantee that our happiness will be a dead giveaway with Robin.” Brenda smiled as she gently kissed Jax,

and took his hand in hers.

They walked up the stairs hand in hand, the electricity flowing through both of them. They stopped outside in the hall and kissed again, this time the passion was

greater, and the kiss deepened. Jax pulled away, “Guess I will be taking a cold shower, instead of a warm one. That kiss just totally took away any chill my body

had from the winter cold.”

“Want to reconsider that offer Jax?” Brenda with eyebrow raised gently caressed his cheek.

“No, you go take your shower or bath, I’ll be in here cooling off.” Jax grinned.

“Wait a second, let me get your jeans and shirt from last night so you can at least put them on.” Brenda said as she opened up her bedroom door, and went to

retrieve his clothes that had been scattered on the floor the night before.

Jax stood in the doorway, admiring the view as Brenda bent over to pick up his clothes. He smiled as he replayed the scene in his mind of them sharing smores

last night in bed.

Brenda turned to see him looking hungrily at her, as his tongue ran across his lips. She walked up to him with his clothes and placed them in his hands. “Mr.

Jacks if I didn’t know better I would think you were contemplating a meal, and I was to be the main the course.”

“I was just remembering our meal last night. Quite tasty, those gooey smores!” Jax laughed, trying to cover up the emotions churning within him. He leaned

down kissed her cheek and turned and walked across the hall to Robin’s room, locking the door behind him.

Brenda laughed, she knew his willpower was fading quickly, because hers was nearly gone. She snatched her robe from the foot of the bed and headed for her



Manhattan offices of J&J Jacks

Addie walked in the Jerry Jacks office. “Yes, Jerry what can I do for you?”

“I’m trying to reach Jax and I haven’t had any luck at the penthouse, his car phone or his cell. Do you know where he is at?” Jerry asked trying to veil his concern.

“I spoke to V this morning and she said that Mr. Jacks had told her to take the day off, and he was doing the same. She didn’t give me a number where he could

be reached.” Addie answered back directly.

“Thanks Addie, I will try Dad and see if he knows where Jax is. It’s just unlike him to be totally out of contact.”

“That’s true Jerry, that is your trick. We spend more time finding you than communicating with you.” She said jokingly.

“Well Addie, you know I am the more interesting one. Staying incognito just gives me a greater sense of mystery. The ladies love it!” Jerry teased, hiding his


“Well, maybe every now and then it is Jax turn to be mysterious, and to play hooky. V said he didn’t have any meetings scheduled and since the power was out

most of the night with the snow storm, I am pretty sure he didn’t get much work done.”

“Exactly my point Addie. Now that Jax does have power, and could be working why isn’t he?” Jerry’s tone had taken on a note of concern.

Addie caught the concern in Jerry’s voice, “You aren’t worried something has happened to him do you?”

Jerry waved his hand in front of himself and rolled his eyes trying to look unconcerned. “No I’m not worried about my little brother, I just wanted an update on the Docks project and Jax was going to let me know how we could cut more expenses so we could finish the final prospectus.”

“So basically, you are bored, want to go out and play, and Jax is holding you up. You are realizing he might be out playing himself.” Addie smiled knowing

how Jerry hated down time, he always needed to be moving.

“Okay, that will be enough. You are excused. Just let me know when Ashley arrives or if you hear from Jax.” Jerry laughed as he motioned with his hand for

Addie to leave.

Addie opened the door to the office to reveal Ashley on the other side. Addie stepped back and motioned her in. “Good now he has a playmate, so he won’t be

bothering me.” Addie turned and winked at Jerry,

“Touché` Addie.”

Ashley walked in and sat down across from Jerry. She placed the photo album on the top of the desk. “Is this what you wanted Jerry?” she asked.

Jerry reached across the desk to pick up the photo album. But Ashley had a firm grip on it still, and slapped his hand gently as she pulled it back onto her lap.

“Not so fast, where’s my payment?”
