J & B REUNION FANTASY PART 7: Back to a Better Beginning.

by Judy

Reunion Part Recap: Jax finally told Brenda he loved her then he whisked her away to parts unknown.

Reunion Part 7 - "Back to a Better Beginning"

When they reached the airport Brenda knew her opportunities would be limited. She had an important errand to run and could only hope the place she needed would be open. "It just has to be," she thought to herself.

They were met at the terminal by Jax's pilot. "Mr. Jax, we have to revise the flight plans. There's too much fog to land at . . ."

"Let's talk about it in the flight office," Jax interrupted. He turned to Brenda. "Please promise me you'll wait right here."

"I won't keep you waiting this time, Jax." she pledged. "But I have an errand to run. I mean, I don't even have a toothbrush with me."

"Stay here, Brenda, please," he pleaded.

She nuzzled up close to him and wrapped her arms around his waist giving him a firm squeeze. Pulling herself into him, she gingerly placed her open mouth on the nape of his neck, followed its sinewy curves all the way to the soft flesh of his gullet where she let her tongue linger for a moment before swirling it firmly in the cleft of his chin. Then she pecked him on the cheek. "I'll be back. I'll be right back, I promise. Fifteen minutes."

"Not one moment longer," he conceded. Then he went into the flight office to take care of the changes.

Brenda ran across the airport, her coattails flapping behind her. She didn't care how she looked. Her goal was too important. She had flown in and out of this terminal so many times that she knew it like, well, the inside of Windoms - and for the same reason. She located the shop she wanted. The owner recognized her. Breathless, she gasped, "The red one, Carlos. The one I've been admiring. Now I have a reason to buy it. Please tell me it's still here."

"It is Ms Barrett, I knew you'd want it some day. I've been saving it for you. Besides, how many customers do I have who wear a size 1?"

"Perfect, Carlos. You saved my life - my new life. Jax will love this." And with that, and the wave of a well-worn credit card, she was flying back down the terminal.

"Two minutes to spare," Jax reported looking from his watch to Brenda's flushed face. "Amazing." The adoring look in his eyes meant everything to her. "What's in the bag? Looks bigger than a toothbrush."

"I get to have my surprises if you can have yours," she chided, holding the bag close to her so he couldn't see inside.

"How do you do that?" he asked as they boarded the plane arm-in-arm.

"Do what?" she asked innocently. "Oh, you mean the shopping thing. Just like you know the location of every oyster bar!"

Any passer-by would be envious of the joy and closeness they exuded in being together.

The jet offered them the comforts of home, including the sumptuous and much needed meal Jax had had prepared for them. Brenda watched as Jax devoured the food on his plate.

"You need to eat, too, Brenda. You need your strength, you know."

"Jax, don't you ever think about anything except food and . . ."

"Loving you? Not for a minute."

"So, . . .how long before we get to wherever it is we're going?" Brenda asked coyly.

"Can't wait, huh? And I thought you had unlimited patience these days."

"I waited for you, didn't I?"

He settled into the seat beside her. She could feel the excitement in him as she crawled onto his lap. His arms enveloped her body and he buried his face in the softness of her neck. He held her without saying a word. They drifted into the consciousness of their closeness and, before they knew it, both had fallen into a peaceful sleep.

Jax woke first and realized they'd been asleep for several hours. They were almost ready for the next part of their journey back . . .

He placed little kisses all over her hair and shoulders hoping to rouse her so they could prepare to land. She woke with a smile on her face reminding him of their night in New Orleans. He willed this night to turn out better . . .

"Are we there, yet?" she asked. "What time is it? I know where we're going, you know." she said seriously. Then she turned to look at him, "You talk in your sleep, remember?" she bluffed.

"In your dreams," he snapped back softly.

"Always. You are always in my dreams."

It would be a wonderful adventure - in more ways than one.

The jet landed and they found their way to the waiting limousine. For this ride, Jax would be exactly where he wanted.

It was the middle of the night and by the damp salty air, Brenda knew they were near the ocean. By the length of the plane ride, she figured they must have flown to Los Angeles. They were on their way to Malibu, she guessed. "Perfect," she thought, still clutching the mystery bag. "This is perfect. I can't wait," she said, not realizing her words had escaped for Jax to hear.

"You don't have to," Jax replied as he closed the curtain on the window to driver's compartment giving them the privacy he wanted.

It was dawn when they reached the beachfront house in Malibu. The recent rains and flooding meant they had to take the long route through the canyons to get there. Jax had made sure they'd used the time productively.

Whether it was the beauty of the morning light reflecting on the incredible structure of the palatial estate, or the flood of memories coming back to her that made Brenda's heart skip a beat, she will never know. It didn't matter. He was giving her a second chance.

True to form, Jax swept her off the ground and carried her inside. They were met by his housekeeper, Anna, who was, as always, excited to see the man for whom she worked. "Miss Brenda, it's so wonderful to see you here with Mr. Jax," To Jax, she scolded, "It has been far too long you kept her away."

"If you only knew, Anna," he replied with a grin. And carefully setting Brenda on her feet, he gave the woman a hug and peck on the cheek. It made her blush in spite of her best efforts to remain calm.

Brenda had already vanished to the terrace to drink in the first rays of morning light and glorious fresh air. She felt alive, as if for the very first time. Jax joined her, coming up from behind. Wrapping his arms around her body, he slipped his hands into the waist of her jeans - tenderly, knowingly pressing his fingers into the smoothness of her quivering flesh. Her knees went weak and she leaned back into him.

"It is so beautiful here," she managed weakly. "So peaceful and calm. Just like I feel."

"I'm glad you like the surprise."

"Jax," her voice fell teasingly, "it was hardly a surprise. I knew this was where we were coming. You told me by your own admission in Atlantic City. When you said to Theo that this place had too much meaning to gamble on losing it."

"Brenda," his tone was suddenly serious and she could feel her body go tense with apprehension. "There's something I need to tell you about this place."

He loosened his hold on her and her anxiety heightened. Then, he held out his hands to her the way he always did when he was about to share his soul. "Come sit here with me for a minute."

They sat, facing one another, straddling the bench beside the long reflecting pool. It was hard for her to concentrate on his words as her head filled with the memories of this scene from their past. Another time she had hurt him. It seemed like a lifetime ago. She strained hard to focus on the present. She knew she had to stay with him, intent on him, so he would believe in her commitment to him.

"This is hard, Brenda," he said, "but I need to tell you this so you can decide if you want to be here with me."

"Of course, I . . ."

"Let me finish," he said cutting her short. "You need to know the whole truth before you commit yourself." He drew in a long, deep breath as if mustering the strength to continue.

"This is my healing place. I built it after I finished grieving for Miranda. I love the ocean, you know that . . . This place represented a new ocean - a new beginning for me. For years after she died, after I thought she'd died, I couldn't stand being near the waves - they taunted me with guilt. Staying away from the ocean, the place I had loved my whole life, was like a penance for what I had done, or thought I'd done. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I found this spot and it seemed right. I had made peace with the loss and knew it was time to move on. I built this place in her memory, but also as a commitment to moving forward. I resolved that I would never share it with anyone unless I loved them as much, more, than I loved her. This reflecting pool was a way of looking at myself through her eyes. I knew that when I looked into it and no longer saw her face, I would be ready to love, again. I brought you here the first time because I knew when I looked into the water it would be your face I would see looking back at me. And it was. And I knew that I loved you with all of my heart."

"I've only been back a few times since our trip. Once was the day you were supposed to have married Sonny. I thought being here would help me get through, help me heal. It didn't. V showed up - she helped me a lot, but not without my trying to lose myself in her. She wouldn't let me, Brenda. She said that I still loved you. She was right."

Jax paused to take a breath. He was shaking. His beautifully tanned face was as pale as the dawn's first light. "I need you to do something for me, with me. To be certain that this is right. Do you trust me enough? I know I once told you that you didn't have to prove your love to me. I suppose I really need to prove it to myself. But now that you know the whole story, I won't be angry if you've changed you mind and would rather not . . ."

"Anything, Jax," she said calmly, forcefully, stroking his face with her open hand. "I will do anything help you believe that my love for you is as steady and real as your faith in this place."

He took her hand from his face and held it between both of his. Guiding her to the narrow edge at the pool's length, he stood behind her, close enough for her to feel his breath on her hair and his hands trembling over hers. They stared into the pool, together. Through the early morning clouds, the sun was streaming onto the water making their images sparkle and glimmer.

"Who do you see?" he asked her in a haunting whisper.

Just then, a morning breeze skimmed the pool's surface and the two images blurred together . . .

"Us, as one," she answered. And he knew that it was true.

They spent the day on the beach. Lying in the sun, swimming in the freezing water though they never noticed the chill. Anna prepared a huge picnic lunch and for once, Brenda ate nearly as much as Jax; he teased her mercilessly about her ravenous appetite. They laughed and played as two children without a care in the world. The way lovers do when they are totally absorbed in their world and in each other. It was a perfect day.

Brenda was also planning a perfect night. She continued to formulate the scene in her head as she frolicked through the day, never letting Jax in on the surprise she had waiting. It was a night he would never expect yet totally enjoy. It was a side of her he had never seen; no one had. A part of her even she only now knew existed. Her self-doubt and inhibitions had vanished with her breakdown. The new, stronger Brenda had fought her way back to the man she loved. Tonight he would reap the fruits of her labor - a magical labor of love.