Resolution of J&B&S Part 8

by Joan R.

Jax had quietly closed the door to Brenda's hospital room and slowly backed away down the hall. Very little in his world could anger Jax as much as the sight of Sonny Corinthos and Brenda in an embrace. He had never adjusted to seeing them together. The nurses ball last spring had been the worst. It had only been days since Brenda had walked out of the penthouse, away from the life she and Jax shared. He thought it would take awhile before she ended up with Sonny. She said she needed time to think. Obviously, she'd thought fast ! Seeing them together that night was excruciating and Jax gladly would've gone elsewhere but for his donation to the drug treatment center. He had to stay for the presentation. He sopent the evening trying to avoid them.

To this day Jax couldn't fathom what the attraction was to Sonny. Couldn't she see that he was just a common criminal. Didn't she learn anything from the Tiger Key fiasco. Cheesy disguises, crowded moving vans, cheap hotels, and two bit hoods....what was she thinking...choosing to live like that. It was so confusing for Jax. He had standards and principles by which he lived. Sure, he enjoyed life on the edge as much as the next person. He just like his edges above board and definitely upscale.

As he began turning the corner of the hallway, he was still trying to erase the memory of Brenda in Sonny's arms. Jane was walking toward him, but he didn't notice her until he was inches from running her over.

"Jax, I've been looking all over for you !" Jane opened her arms and gave her son a welcome hug. "You definitely looked lost in thought just now. Have you new information about the incident at the docks ?"

"Hi, Mum ! I didn't know you and Dad had made it into Port Charles ! How long have you been here ? How are you ? "

Jax was happy to see his mum. God knows they could hardly be called a perfect family, but they did love and support each other. He kissed her cheek and followed with another quick hug of his own.

"How was your flight? Did everything go smoothly ? Where's Dad ? " Jax glanced around.

"He went off to the police station to find out more about the docks. I came here, to try and track you down. I'd just about given up on finding you. "

"I was here earlier with Brenda. Then went home and had a meeting, took a shower, changed , and now I'm back. How long have you been here ? "

"I guess long enough...'cause now I've found you !" Jane chuckled. Jax looked like he needed cheering up.

"You looked liked you were a million miles away when I walked up. Is there anything I can help you with ? "

"No, I just came from Brenda's room. She was ...uh....busy. "

"Well, doctors and nurses to tend to monopolize one's time in this place ! I think she'll be glad to see you once they're gone."

"No, it ...uh...wasn't her doctor. Sonny Corinthos was with her." Jax suddenly looked very tired.

"Corinthos ! What's he doing here ? I thought he disappeared off the face of the earth. Why didn't he stay there ! " Jane was incredulous. "Someone ought to call the authorities ! I'm sure they must have some unfinished business with him !"

"Shh...Mum...Why don't we go sit down over here." Jax took his mother gently by the arm and led her to some chairs at the far corner of the lobby. Hmmm....How could he explain this to his mum.

"No one is going to be calling the authorities right now. He's here because I asked him to see Brenda."

"What !" Jane couldn't believe her ears ! "Why would you even consider that? I thought you wanted Sonny as far away from Brenda as possible. I thought the two of you were beginning to work things out.?"

Jane was completely confused. Brenda talked of her future with Jax. Sonny seemed to be definitely in the past. What was Jax thinking ?

"I thought we were working through everything. Yesterday I stayed with Brenda after the shooting. I wanted to be sure she was completely taken care of and safe from further danger. She was very restless and kept drifting in and out of consciousness. She kept calling out for Sonny, Mum. I ...uh... could have lost her for good yesterday. I want her to be happy. I know she's really trying to make her life different, and she' s made lots of progress. When I heard her call his name, I just thought it might be time to stop hoping she'd ever really live with out Sonny. I want her to have everything she needs."

Jax looked sadly down onto his hands as he played with his left ring finger, absentmindedly twisting at the ring he no longer wore. Jane touched his arm, so anxious to relieve the pain she knew he felt.

"Jax...I don't know that you should put much stock in senseless ramblings. Did you discuss this with Brenda when she woke up ?"

Jax looked up at his mum. "No. No one knew when or if she'd be fully conscious. There wasn't anything I could do for her medically, but I thought maybe emotionally........." He let the thought drift away.

Oh...Jane understood now. When would the Jacks men ever learn ! They were remarkably good at solving business dilemnas. Their instincts were first rate. When it came to matters of the heart, however, their haste and good intentions often caused more problems than they solved. Jane hoped there was time to repair any problems this impromptu visit may have generated.

"Jax, don't you think you might have discussed this with Brenda first ? Has she made any attempt since last fall to find or talk with Sonny?"

"I don't know if she tried to find him. I don't think so. She seemed to just be furious with him for awile and then I guess she was just blocking him out of her mind."

"You guess she was, Jax ? Haven't the two of you ever discussed this.?"

"Not much. I don't like to upset her. I really can't stand even hearing his name. It was very difficult dealing with it last night. I just assumed if she was thinking of him while she was so hurt....he must be who she wanted with her."

"Jax, your business senses are first rate, but I think I need to tell you a little something about women. If you want to know how a woman feels...ask her. Then be prepared to listen very carefully. I had a conversation with Brenda today and she seemed very clear about what she wants. Sonny Corinthos' name never came up. I know the two of you have had a bumpy road, but it seems to me that you keep weathering the storms together. That should count for something Jax. Don't be so quick to throw away the future by hanging on to doubts from the past."

Jane's mention of her conversation threw Jax back to Brenda's message on the answering maching. Was she referring to her talk with Jane ? Was that why Jason and Sonny seemed so confused at Jax's comment ? What had Brenda said exactly...something about life turning out like she hoped. Had she put the past behind her only to have him stick Sonny right back in her face ?

"So mum... you're saying I may have charged in on my white horse to rescue someone who was.... just fine on her own ? Is there a graceful way to back the horse out ?" Jax smiled hopefully.

"Well, you may have to volunteer to clean up the horse poop left in her yard ! Be sure to get her ideas on the subject first !" Jane laughed and gave her son a hug. " Talk things out with Brenda. Really listen to the changes she's gone through, then trust your instincts and make your decisions together. I love you, Jax."

"I love you, too, Mum. I'm so glad you're here. Do you want me to go find Dad ? Can I drive you somewhere ?"

"No, you go ahead and see Brenda. I can take care of myself. We'll see each other later. There'll be plenty of time to catch up on all the news. Now scoot !" She squeezed his hand as they rose. Jax quickly walked away, blowing her a kiss as he left.

Brenda had settled back in with her magazine after trying Jax's penthouse phone one more time. She was beginning to worry that something really had happened to him. Her doctor stuck his head in to ask how she was feeling. When she'd told him fine he said he'd start the paperwork for getting her released. Brenda couldn't have been happier. She hated being stuck in the hospital !

"Hi there, beautiful. Care for some company ?"

Jax was smiling and carrying a huge bouquet of pink flowers as he entered the room. Brenda's face lit up.

"Ahh... are those for me? Are you trying to make amends for taking so long to come back ?"

There was that flirty little pout that Jax loved so much.

"Actually, they made me take a number. Seems that you've had quite a line of visitors today. The nurse was joking about needing to get a traffic cop in here. I'm surprised you even noticed I was gone ! " Jax joked with her. Brenda chuckled at the thought.

"Well...since you mentioned it, I have had a few visitors. " Brenda's face turned serious. "I think we need to have a talk. Is that OK ?"

Jax swallowed hard and put the flowers on the nightstand. He pulled up a chair and sat down beside her.

"Sure ! I'm all yours, and ready to listen.".................